Final Fantasy XV characters
This is a list of characters that appear in Final Fantasy XV. Final Fantasy XV has dossiers on each character in the Archives, and Final Fantasy XV: Comrades has a Characters section in its equivalent. Party members were made directly controllable in battle in the main game in the 1.20 patch. They are also directly playable in their DLC episodes.
Characters of Final Fantasy XV - Wikipedia
Salvatore Pane, writing for Paste Magazine, called Final Fantasy XV a "tender depiction of teenage boy and their complex relationships with each other and with death", much more than its science fantasy tropes, giving praise to each character due to their mutually
《最终幻想15》人物介绍 全人物性格及背景剧情介绍_诺克提斯-游 …
2016年11月29日 · 《最终幻想15》以系列共通的新水晶神话为基础,同时展开独立的世界观,讲述全新的人物剧情,那么在《最终幻想15》中有哪些人物呢? 下面为大家带来《最终幻想15》人物介绍,简单了解一下人物性格及背景剧情,一起来看看吧。 诺克提斯. 诺克堤斯·路西斯·契拉姆 (ノクティス?ルシス?チェラム,Noctis Lucis Caelum) 配音:铃木达央、佐藤美由希 (年幼) 20岁 ,本作主角,朋友间昵称“诺克特 (ノクト,Noct)”。 路西斯王国的下一任国王。 外表个性冷 …
Final Fantasy 15's all-male cast might be exactly what gaming needs
2015年4月29日 · Square Enix really wants you to know that there's a good reason Final Fantasy 15 has an all-male main cast. No really, it's cool - it makes the characters " more approachable for players " by...
Noctis Lucis Caelum | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
Noctis Lucis Caelum is the (initially sole) playable character and main protagonist of Final Fantasy XV. He is the crown prince and heir to the throne of Lucis, the kingdom with control over the Crystal. Thus, he can wield the power of Lucian kings.
Final Fantasy 15’s boys share the most loving friendship
2016年11月30日 · Unlike previous entries in the series, Final Fantasy 15 ’s cast is dominated by men. This gave some longtime fans pause, who appreciated that there was a strong woman for every leather-clad surly...
Character - Final Fantasy 15 (FFXV) Wiki
Characters that appear in Final Fantasy XV and its adjacent media (i.e. its DLC). For a list of the Astrals, see Astrals. Included here are named characters that appear in Kingsglaive and Final Fantasy XV - Dawn of the Future -.
Characters - Final Fantasy XV Guide - IGN
2016年11月29日 · This section will collect information on all known characters in Final Fantasy XV. Feel free to contribute and add more pages when more information is.
Final Fantasy 15 (FFXV) Wiki - Fandom
To gather the strength needed to uncover the truth and reclaim his homeland, Noctis and his loyal companions must overcome a series of challenges in a spectacular open world - that is filled with larger-than-life creatures, amazing wonders, diverse cultures and treacherous foes. Main page sections: 1 · 2 · 3 · 4.
The Men of Final Fantasy XV Are Making Some Unhappy - Kotaku
2014年9月23日 · In an interview with 4Gamer, Final Fantasy XV director Hajime Tabata said, "The party is men only. That hasn't changed since Final Fantasy Versus XIII." That's why, for years now, we have been...