Green Mage - Final Fantasy Wiki
Green Mage is a viera exclusive job. The job's Green Magick command gives Green Mages access to support abilities such as Protect and Leap, while also having access to debuffing spells such as Blind and Silence. Green Mages wield hammers and maces in battle. Notable Green Mages are Ktjn, Syrenead Sie Hyskarias, and Green King Verre of Cinquleur.
Green Beret - Final Fantasy Wiki
The Green Beret teaches Archer's Bane to Archers and Animists, and provides +2 Defense, +2 Evasion, and +5 Resistance. It can be bought for 240 gil in the shop after creating it in the Bazaar after using a Cursed Coin, Tiger Hide, and Malboro Vine.
Green Magic - Final Fantasy Wiki
Green Magic (緑魔法, Midori Mahō?), referred to as Green Magick in the games set in Ivalice, is a recurring set of magic in the Final Fantasy series. It focuses on using status effects to buff the...
FF5极限低等级不练能力通关 - FFSky.com
2006年8月9日 · 这个Boss能要命的招只有物理攻击,用骑士可以完全防御,FF5中的骑士,即使自身已经濒死,仍然可以保护濒死队员。 只不过Boss的物理攻击中夹带有麻痹效果,所以一个骑士顾不过来,要两个。
OGK FF5 Scream 2009 New Color : Green - Mobile01
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OGK FF5 Scream 2009 New Color : Green (第2頁) - Mobile01
OGK FF5 Scream 2009 New Color : Green - LBB23 wrote:請問一下可以透漏入手...(恕刪)心動了嗎??這頂入手價格.應該是9~10張小朋友.小朋友出走後.即可讓您馬上帶回家喔!!心動了嗎??要買要快.否則後悔就來不及摟!!...(人身安全部品 第2頁)
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