Magic Pot (Final Fantasy V) | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
The Magic Pot is an enemy in Final Fantasy V. It is encountered in Phoenix Tower, hiding in pots on every five floors. Giving it Elixirs will reward the player with 100 ABP per Magic Pot.
Magic Pot - Final Fantasy Wiki
Magic Pot (マジックポット, Magikkupotto?), also known as Magic Urn and Magick Pot, is a recurring enemy in the Final Fantasy series, debuting in Final Fantasy V. They are usually …
How do I beat Magic Pot without elixirs? - Final Fantasy V
2006年11月6日 · The actual and real way to defeat magic pot, you will need to use elixirs and you can get by 100 ABP every time you give him elixirs until he will escape.When he says Gimme …
super easy way to defeat Magic Pot without elixir - Final Fantasy V ...
No speed shake needed, just make sure to input the !Rapid Fire just as the pot is saying "Elixir please!"; that way it fires immediately after it heals itself, and by the time your monk's bar...
FF5魔法壶Magic Pot怎么打? - 百度贴吧
FF5魔法壶Magi..他6W的血 调和药剂无效 魔法禁止 物理攻击是miss 地形攻击无效 难道只能跳舞?刚试了跳舞和召唤兽都无效 只有猎人瞄准能爆他血 但是6W的血得打到什么时候 各位通关 …
Final Fantasy V Optional Battles - Caves of Narshe
Magic Pot uses (full heal) every turn; it shares an animation with the Elixir, and fully heals the Magic Pot back to 65255 HP. Magic Pot has ridiculous Defense, Magic Defense, perfect …
Guide :: FFV - Missable & Optional Content - Steam Community
2021年11月10日 · Magic Pot: Found in Phoenix Tower, can only be defeated by giving it an elixir. Mover: Found in Interdimensional Rift - Inner Sanctum, the best way to level up your jobs. …
マジックポット(倒し方・エリクサー) | FF5攻略・解析(SFC/ピ …
2022年1月20日 · フェニックスの塔にて、特定の壺を調べると出現する固定敵。 攻撃はしてこないが、非常に防御力が高く毎ターン回復を行う。 さらにマジックポットとの戦闘では、魔 …
FF5魔法壶Magic Pot怎么打? - 百度知道
FF5魔法壶Magic Pot怎么打? 不用把它杀了,只要给它吃圣灵药就可以了,就是可以恢复全部HP的那种东西,吃了几个他就会逃跑,不够的话去商店多买几个,他跑了你可以得 …
Magic Pot, do you have to kill it for the bestiary? :: FINAL FANTASY V ...
2018年6月18日 · It has ridiculous defenses and full heals itself every turn. Also equip the Wonder Rod when feeding elixirs to them. Using Wonder Rod as an item casts Return, so you can …
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