FG 42 - Wikipedia
The FG 42 (German: Fallschirmjägergewehr 42, "paratrooper rifle 42") is a selective-fire 7.92×57mm Mauser automatic rifle [4] [5] produced in Nazi Germany during World War II. [7] The weapon was developed specifically for the use of the Fallschirmjäger airborne infantry in 1942 and was used in very limited numbers until the end of the war.
FG42伞兵步枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年7月14日 · FG42伞兵步枪 (Fallschirmjägergewehr 42)是 第二次世界大战 期间 德国 空军专门为 伞兵 设计的 自动步枪。 第二次世界大战 爆发后的空降作战中,特别是1941年 克里特岛战役 后,德国空降部队认为装备的轻武器不能满足空降作战的要求。 德国 空军 要求为伞兵设计一种可选择 全自动射击 模式并且方便空降携带的 步枪,希望增强单兵火力。 作为轻武器研制部门的 陆军 兵器局正在研制 7.92×33毫米 中间型威力枪弹,拒绝了空军使用 7.92×57毫米 标准步枪子 …
FG42伞兵步枪 - 枪炮世界
FG42,是德语Fallschirmjägergewehr 42即“42型伞兵步枪”的缩写,这是纳粹德国在第二次世界大战期间专门为伞兵研制的一种自动步枪。 虽然不是一种成功的战斗步枪,但其设计却很有意思,而且由于产量低,还不到7,000支,使这种步枪现在已经变得非常罕见,成为收藏家眼中的珍品。 一支功能完好能够发射的FG42大概能卖个5万美元,而一支不能发射的FG42也能卖到1千至2千美元。 伞兵是纳粹德国的精锐部队,隶属于空军,在二战开始时德国伞兵的轻武器与陆军的差不 …
FG42伞兵步枪是 第二次世界大战 期间 纳粹德国 航空 部专门为伞兵设计的可选择连发射击的步枪。 作为帝国空军的精锐力量,德国伞兵一直拿着和其他常规步兵单位差不多一样的Kar98K步枪、 MG34 /MG42机枪和MP38/ MP40冲锋枪 进行 空降作战。 而早期的空降作战经验表明,以上武器都不适合空降作战的特殊要求。 回想当年的克里特,伞兵除了士官和军官配 MP38 /MP40冲锋枪(它们 有效射程 也就100-200m)外,其他的落地时只有手动式步枪、手枪和 手榴弹。 然后 …
FG 42 - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The FG 42 (German: Fallschirmjägergewehr 42 or "paratrooper rifle 42") was a battle rifle. It was made in Nazi Germany during World War II. The weapon was made for use by Fallschirmjäger airborne infantry in 1942. It was used in small amounts until the war ended. The FG 42 had the power of a light machine gun.
天降极恶——德国FG-42系列伞兵步枪研制历程,技术特点及各类 …
2018年4月25日 · FG-42伞兵步枪 概念最初源自于两个要点:其一,当初决定采用正在平行开发论证的 7.92x33 Kurz 步枪弹,但空军内部仍担忧伞兵部队在敌纵深作战时不敌英军的各种发射.303步枪弹的枪械在1600米距离上的压制。 其二,希特勒对于水星行动不满,即便水星行动是成功的,但是伞兵部队及空军损失也较大,遂拟采取将伞兵编制从航空兵剥离和限员限补给两项措施,即从此希特勒打算令伞兵大多时候将与陆军步兵一同行动与相互支援。 与此同时,德国空军首 …
Introduction to the FG42: Germany’s Paratrooper Automatic Rifle
The FG42 is a paratrooper automatic rifle developed by Germany during World War II. This weapon is known for its unique design and high functionality. The weapons science editor of this issue will introduce in detail the characteristics, design parameters and equipment of …
FG-42 | Military Wiki | Fandom
By the time that the FG42/II had been developed since the war had worsened to the side of the Germans. The frequent bombing of the allies had already destroyed several factories in Germany and the only weapons that could be produced in smaller numbers were manufactured with materials of poor quality and were subject to poor production methods.
FG-42 - WW2 Weapons
German Parachute Troops Automatic Assault rifle FG-42 (Fallschirmjägergewehr 42; FjG42). History and specifications of FG-42 from Second World War. Type: Automatic assault rifle.
The German Fallschirmjägergewehr 42 - Small Arms Review
2001年3月1日 · The FG42 is a lightweight select-fire weapon that appears to be very similar to a modern assault rifle except that it is chambered for the full power 8mm Mauser cartridge. The 8mm (7.92×57) cartridge was the standard rifle and …
FG-42: The ‘Fallschirmjäger 42’ German Paratrooper Rifle
2022年1月26日 · The FG 42 was a powerful automatic rifle developed by the Germans during WWII and served in a similar role to the Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR). It was designed for and used by the elite Fallschirmjäger paratroopers.
Fallschirmjaegergewehr 42 - WW2 Weapons
German Fallschirmjaegergewehr 42 (FG-42, FjG42), the automatic rifle of the paratroopers (Part II). Manufacture and service, animated 3D model, pictures and video.
Berlin: FG 42 vs FG 42 II - Mess Room - Enlisted
2022年7月20日 · Been grinding out Berlin Axis and wondering if the FG 42 II was worth waiting for to spend my silver and bronze orders on, or if I should just stick with the first FG 42 you unlock. fg42 II has a better sight and less recoil, IMO is superior to the fg 42.
FG 42 - Military Wiki | Fandom
The FG 42 (German: Fallschirmjägergewehr 42 or "paratrooper rifle 42") was a selective fire battle rifle produced in Nazi Germany during World War II. The weapon was developed specifically for the use with Fallschirmjäger airborne infantry in 1942 and was used in …
Fallschirmjäger.net - Fallschirmjägergewehr 42
2014年4月1日 · FG-42 is a gas operated, air-cooled, selective fire weapon, with a long stroke gas piston under the barrel, and it operates the rotating bolt with two lugs. The gas system of the Type G added a gas adjustment regulator.
【轻武器科普】昂贵的失败品——德国FG42伞兵步枪 - 哔哩哔哩
FG42,是德语Fallschirmjägergewehr 42即“42型伞兵步枪”的缩写,这是纳粹德国在第二次世界大战期间专门为伞兵研制的一种自动步枪。 虽然不是一种成功的战斗步枪,但其设计却很有意思,而且由于产量低,还不到7,000支,使这种步枪现在已经变得非常罕见,成为收藏家眼中的珍品。 一支功能完好能够发射的FG42大概能卖个5万美元,而一支不能发射的FG42也能卖到1千至2千美元。 1943年初的试验时的FG42原型. 伞兵是纳粹德国的精锐部队,隶属于空军,在二战开始时 …
German FG-42 - Forgotten Weapons
The FG42 (Fallschirmjagergewehr, in the German tradition of making four little words into one big word) was a rifle ahead of its time, made in small numbers for German parachute troops during WWII. As a service, the Fallschirmjager had some autonomy in weapons procurement, and they instituted a development program for a weapon independent of ...
Air Assault Rifle: Germany’s Fabled FG42 - The Armory Life
2021年4月20日 · Development of the specialized FG42 can be traced to the zenith of German paratrooper operations during World War II. In early April 1941, Germany invaded Greece. By April 23 rd, the Germans had completed their conquest of the nation and were poised to attack the island of Crete to secure their new gains in the Mediterranean.
FG 42 | World War II Wiki | Fandom
The FG 42, or Fallschirmjägergewehr 42 (German: Paratrooper Rifle 42) is a gas-operated, air-cooled, selective fire, battle rifle that was used by Germany during World War II. The FG 42's first production model was the FG 42-1 and a main characteristic of …
FG42: The Awesome 7.92X57MM Fallschirmjäger Machine Rifle (2
2022年5月2日 · FG42 is for arms enthusiasts, reenactors and students of the Second World War. Test and evaluation data of the SMG Type I and Type II includes factory and handloaded ammo, and disassembly/reassembly guide for both rifles. Illustrated with more than 100 full-color photos and several B&W period photos, including resource guide.