经典丰田FJ45焕发第二春 美日混血重获新生 - 懂车帝
2023年8月14日 · 这台丰田陆巡FJ45其实是丰田FJ40系列其中的皮卡版本,正是FJ40的出现,为丰田在越野界打下了坚实的基础,才有后来大家熟悉的陆巡、普拉多等经典车型。 但今天这台丰田FJ45它不仅经典,更是难得一见的“美日混血”。 因为这台丰田FJ45的发动机盖下面,藏着一台通用5.7L LS1 V8发动机,经过重新打散修理之后,再加上更大的水箱、高性能排气、高流量进气等改装后,动力提升显著。 当然,这种移植方案则更加考验改装店的手艺和实力,不然十万个为 …
Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45 Market - CLASSIC.COM
There are 11 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45 for sale right now - Follow the Market and get notified with new listings and sale prices.
Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45 Pickup Market - CLASSIC.COM
The Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45 Pickup is a variant of the FJ45. With its longer wheelbase as compared to the more traditional FJ40, it was highly regarded for its utility and durability. It was produced until 1984 in Japan, and by Toyota Venezuela until 1986, but the US market would stop receiving original samples at some point in the late 1960's.
Restored FJ45 Land Cruisers - The FJ Company
The FJ Company is the premier restorer of Toyota FJ45 Land Cruisers. Work with us to design your own custom Land Cruiser, or select a vehicle from our inventory of FJ45 for sale.
Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45 For Sale - BaT Auctions - Bring a Trailer
Browse and bid online for the chance to own a Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45 at auction with Bring a Trailer, the home of the best vintage and classic cars online.
This Is Why Every Enthusiast Wants The Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45
2022年11月14日 · The Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45 is effortlessly cool, rugged, and memorable. This truck is right at home tackling off-road terrain, and just as at home while sparkling in a showroom. Here's why the Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45 really stands out from the rest, and why this beast has worked its way into every car enthusiasts' dreams.
Shocks for a linked fj40 - IH8MUD Forum
2017年4月15日 · I'm building a linked 40, and trying to decide between KING, FOX or ORI shocks/struts. The ORI site states that you don't need swaybars or bump stops. The truck will be driven on the freeway and the rocks running 37"s.
丰田FJ45搭载了2F引擎,并配备了四速变速箱,从而确保了稳定而强大的动力输出。 其动力转向系统经过精心调校,使得驾驶者在越野行驶时能够更加从容地操控车辆。 丰田FJ45的内饰以皮革材质为主,打造出一种尊贵且奢华的氛围。 配备了全新的玻璃,确保了宽敞且清晰的视野。 而先锋的立体声系统和肯伍德的高品质音箱,则为驾乘人员带来了极致的音响享受。 此外,复古风格的空调设计和头部空间优化,进一步提升了驾驶的舒适度,即使在炎炎夏日也能保持清凉宜人。 …
硬派越野丨FMS新品1/12 FJ45登场 - RCFans
2022年11月9日 · FMS 11月新品1/12 FJ45,致敬拥有传奇色彩的丰田FJ45,这台被誉为陆巡鼻祖的皮卡,以经典的时代感造型与遍布全车的硬派越野气息为人称道,正是丰田TOYOTA品牌发展历史长河里一颗闪耀的明星。 想知道FMS最新最好玩的资讯,快来加官方FMS小服吧! 精于静,精于动! FMS,2022,奋勇前进。 • EazyRC新品:1/18雷霆风暴,席卷而来! 入了,买12送18,大爱! Km什么时候可以在宣传片里明确标出OFFICIAL LICENSED PRODUCT? 他们不 …
fj45的價格推薦 - 2025年3月 | 比價比個夠BigGo
fj45價格與詳細規格比較,共94筆。 還有f451、f450、fw450、jv5457、jj1435。 現貨推薦與歷史價格一站比價,全網最便宜都在 BigGo!