Fluoro-jade stain - Wikipedia
Fluoro-jade stain is a fluorochrome derived from fluorescein, and is commonly used in neuroscience disciplines to label degenerating neurons in ex vivo tissue of the central nervous …
使用 Fluoro-Jade B 和 C 鉴定退化神经元-Biosensis - 知乎
荧光染料 Fluoro-Jade B (FJB) 与其纯化程度更高的兄弟 FJC 一样,是一种阴离子荧光素衍生物,可用于对正在变性的神经元进行组织学染色。 FJB 与 FJC 的不同之处在于,它是一种略不 …
Fluoro-Jade B染色与蛋白免疫荧光多标的染色方法
本实验结果显示,在大鼠大脑皮层梗死模型中,FJB+CathB组可以清晰地观察到皮层半暗带变性的神经元以及目的蛋白CathB阳性细胞,其中FJB和CathB阳性细胞清晰,染色背景浅; …
Regional distribution of fluoro-jade B staining in the hippocampus ...
Fluoro-Jade B (FJB) is an anionic fluorescein derivative that has been reported to specifically stain degenerating neurons. We were interested in applying FJB staining in a well …
Fluoro-Jade B (FJB) Powder for identifying Degenerating Neurons …
Fluoro-Jade B stains all degenerating neurons regardless of specific insult or mechanism of cell death. Fluoro-Jade B exhibits the greatest signal to background ratio, as well as the highest …
“新品尝鲜”:鉴定退化神经元的Fluoro-Jade B和Fluoro-Jade C - 每 …
2020年12月25日 · 荧光染料Fluoro-Jade B(FJB)与Fluoro-Jade C(FJC)是一种阴离子荧光素衍生物,可用于变性神经元的组织学染色。FJB与FJC的不同之处在于,它的化学配方比FJC …
Fluoro-Jade® B has an excitation peak at 480 nm and an emission peak at 525 nm. On a laser system, it can be excited using a 488 nm laser paired with a 515/20 nm bandpass filter. The …
Fluoro-Jade, but not Fluoro-Jade B, stains non-degenerating cells in ...
2004年12月10日 · Fluoro-Jade (FJ) and Fluoro-Jade B (FJB) are fluorescein derivatives currently used to stain brain cells under degeneration. In this study, we investigated the FJ staining of …
Fluoro-Jade B: a high affinity fluorescent marker for the ... - PubMed
2000年8月25日 · Fluoro-Jade B, like its predecessor Fluoro-Jade, is an anionic fluorescein derivative useful for the histological staining of neurons undergoing degeneration. However, …
照妖镜:FJC退化神经元染色试剂盒 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
目前用于退变神经元染色的FJ 染料主要有FJ、FJB 和FJC 三种。与FJ 和FJB 染料相比,Fluoro-Jade C具有最高的信号背景比,以及最高的分辨率。 这转化为对退化神经元的最大对比度和亲 …
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