Daporinad (FK866,达珀利奈) - 仅供科研 | NMPRTase抑制剂 | MCE
Daporinad (FK866) 是烟酰胺磷酸核糖转移酶 (NMPRTase; Nampt) 的有效抑制剂, IC50 为 0.09 nM。 - 高纯度,全球文献引用。 — Master of Bioactive Molecules
NAMPT (烟酰胺磷酸核糖转移酶) - MCE-生物活性分子大师
NAMPT activator-3 有效保护培养细胞免受 FK866 (HY-50876) 介导的毒性。 NAMPT activator-3 在化疗引起的周围神经病变 (CIPN) 小鼠模型中表现出强大的神经保护功效,没有任何明显的毒性。
FK866, a Highly Specific Noncompetitive Inhibitor of Nicotinamide ...
2003年11月11日 · We identified the first low molecular weight compound, designated FK866, which induces apoptosis by highly specific, noncompetitive inhibition of nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAPRT), a key enzyme in the regulation of NAD + biosynthesis from the natural precursor nicotinamide.
Daporinad (FK866) | 达珀利奈 | 购买Transferase 抑制剂 - Selleck
Daporinad (FK866)有效抑制烟酰胺磷酸核糖转移酶 (NMPRTase; Nampt),Daporinad (FK866) 可引发自噬,无细胞试验中 IC50 为0.09 nM。 Phase 1/2。 APO866在0.09-27 nM的低浓度范围内会在41血液恶性肿瘤细胞中诱导产生细胞毒性,包括急性髓细胞白血病 [AML],急性淋巴细胞白血病 [ALL], 套细胞淋巴瘤 [MCL], 慢性淋巴细胞白血病 [CLL]和 T细胞淋巴瘤,这种毒性具有剂量依赖特性. APO866在0-10 nM的低浓度范围内会诱导细胞死亡,这一效果与线粒体膜去极化有关而与 …
FK866, a highly specific noncompetitive inhibitor of nicotinamide ...
2003年11月1日 · We identified the first low molecular weight compound, designated FK866, which induces apoptosis by highly specific, noncompetitive inhibition of nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAPRT), a key enzyme in the regulation of NAD+ biosynthesis from the natural precursor nicotinamide.
碧云天生物技术-FK866 (Transferase抑制剂)(SD7257-25mg)
FK866 (APO866, Daporinad)有效抑制烟酰胺磷酸核糖转移酶 (NMPRTase),无细胞试验中IC50为0.09nM。 Phase 1/2。 APO866在0.09-27nM的低浓度范围内会在41血液恶性肿瘤细胞中诱导产生细胞毒性,包括急性髓细胞白血病 [AML]、急性淋巴细胞白血病 [ALL]、套细胞淋巴瘤 [MCL]、慢性淋巴细胞白血病 [CLL]和T细胞淋巴瘤,这种毒性具有剂量依赖特性。 APO866在0-10nM的低浓度范围内会诱导细胞死亡,这一效果与线粒体膜去极化有关而与半胱天冬酶的激活无关。 …
FK866,NAMPT 抑制剂,对小细胞肺癌细胞系的影响。,Journal of …
2015年5月20日 · fk866 是一种有效且特异性的 nampt 小分子抑制剂。 本研究的目的是验证 NAD 消耗对增殖的影响,并阐明小细胞肺癌 (SCLC) 细胞系中细胞死亡的机制。 方法:SCLC 化疗敏感细胞系(NCI-H209、NCI-H69、NCI-H446 和 DMS79)和耐药细胞系(H69AR)用增加浓度的 …
美国APExBIO中文官网 - FK866 (APO866)
FK866是一种高特异性的和非竞争性的烟酰胺磷酸核糖转移酶(NAMPT)抑制剂,Ki值为0.4 nM。 1. Bingjie Mei, Junyang Li, et al. "All-trans Retinoic Acid Sensitizes Epithelial Ovarian Cancer to PARP Inhibition after Exposure to Cisplatin." Mol Cancer Ther OF1–OF11. 2.
Nicotinamide Phosphoribosyltransferase Inhibitor, FK866
FK866 treatment is shown to induce cell death by depleting NAD + (Cat. Nos. 481911 & 481915) in HepG2 and NIH-3T3 cultures (by >95% after 24 h treatment of 10 nM FK866), likewise the addition of exogenous NAD + is demonstrated to rescue NIH-3T3 and SH-SY5Y from FK866-induced NAD +-depletion and cell death.
FK866 hydrochloride hydrate 98 (HPLC) CAS 658084-64-1
FK866 is a potent inhibitor of NAD biosynthesis, and a specific inhibitor of NAMPT (Nicotinamide Phosphoribosyltransferase, visfatin, PBEF). NAMPT functions as an intra-cellular and extra-cellular NAD biosynthetic enzyme that is important for regulating metabolism and stress resistance through sirtuins and other NAD-consuming regulators.