FKM FPM viton 区别是什么呢 - 百度知道
2024年9月24日 · FKM是氟橡胶的美国标准简称,其中F代表Fluoro,K是德语单词Kohlenstoff的缩写,M则代表ASTM中饱和主链橡胶的名称。 这一术语主要用于美国及遵循美国标准的地区。
FKM (VITON) - 制造密封件的原材料
碳氟化合物是一种基于氟橡胶(FKM)的弹性体,也称为 VITON,可用于 U 形杯、唇形密封件、填料、擦拭布和特殊密封件。 它的突出特性包括耐高温、耐臭氧、耐多种化学物质和全天候。
Fluoroelastomers, also known as FKM or FPM, represent a significant class of synthetic rubber material designed for high-performance applications. FKM is a premier elastomer, possessing three critical characteristics:
PTFE(聚四氟乙烯)和FKM(氟橡胶或氟化物高分子材料)是两种常用的材料,都具有良好的耐热、耐化学腐蚀等特性,但它们在耐用性方面存在一些区别。 首先,PTFE材质以其出色的耐化学腐蚀性而闻名,能够抵抗大多数的酸、碱、有机溶剂等化学物质的侵蚀。 PTFE(聚四氟乙烯)和FKM(氟橡胶或氟化物高分子材料)是两种常用的材料,都具有良好的耐热、耐化学腐蚀等特性,但它们在耐用性方面存在一些区别。 首先,PTFE材质以其出色的耐化学腐蚀性而闻名,能 …
EPDM vs. FKM - What's the Difference? | This vs. That
EPDM and FKM are both types of synthetic rubber commonly used in various industries for their excellent resistance to heat, weathering, and chemicals. However, there are some key differences between the two materials. EPDM is known for its superior resistance to ozone and weathering, making it a popular choice for outdoor applications.
氟橡胶(FKM,FPM)-宁波斯特福密封科技有限公司 - STF Seal
2023年12月28日 · 氟橡胶制成的密封制品,用于汽车、飞机发动机的密封时,可在250℃下长期使用,非常适合发动机动力输出主轴的密封,也可用于发动机阀杆密封、气缸套密封、离合器密封、空气滤清器密封、燃油泵密封及燃油胶管内层胶等。 氟橡胶密封件也是能在高真空 (1.33x10-7Pa以下)条件下使用的橡胶。 由此,氟橡胶在宇航领域有着广泛的应用。 氟橡胶可用于无机酸介质密封,在140℃下的67%硫酸,70℃下的浓盐酸,90℃以下30%的硝酸中都可以长期使用, …
Advantages of Replacing Traditional FKM and FFKM Rubber-to …
2023年12月12日 · FKM is short for Fluro-Elastomer and is a copolymer made of highly fluorinated hydrocarbons. However, not all FKMs are genuine Viton® o-rings. This post will walk you through a series of questions, and the answers will help you make a more informed decision.
06 局部应力静强度评估流程 (FKM)_FKM_振动_材料-仿真秀干货文章
FKM 指南中的局部应力静强度评估方法初看起来是比较繁琐的,需要整理出一个流程才能清晰起来。 本文总结出了一套流程,需要说明,不同材料的评估流程可能稍有区别。 01 研究背景. 对常见的金属材料进行强度评估,材料力学提供了四种基本的强度准则。 当然,其中最常用的还是第四强度准则(畸变能密度准则),该准则考察的应力指标称为等效应力,也称为米塞斯应力 (Von Mises 应力)。 其次是第三强度准则(最大切应力准则),该准则考察的应力指标称为应力强度,也 …
2021年6月7日 · 《德国机械委员会机械零部件应力强度分析计算导则》简称fkm是机械设计之母 ,适用于所有金属(包括钢、铸铁、铝合金)的焊接和非焊接的强度分析。相较于传统的四大强度理论更加精确和全面,是机械设计领域的现代化创新。
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FKM - Techné
FKM (fluoroelastomer) elastomers are mainly used for their great resistance to high temperature and c hemical substances. FKM is also resistant to UV radiation, ozone, acids and steam and is compatible with oils and fuels. FKM is also appreciated for its mechanical properties.
Rotating shaft seals offering optimum performance for automotive applications. SKF offers a wide range of FKM engine shaft seals. Our extensive testing capabilities allow us to provide the most superior and reliable product on the market. Crankshaft, camshaft and auxiliary units. SKF is a registered trademark of the SKF Group.
FKM飞肯摩托车-摩托社官网 - motorshe.com
FKM飞肯摩托车隶属于广州飞肯摩托车有限公司,这是一家专业生产制造摩托车的大型企业。 自2005年创立以来,飞肯摩托车已经在摩托车领域积累了丰富的经验和口碑。 公司总部位于交通便利、高新技术产业集中的广州市增城石滩... [展开+] FKM飞肯摩托车隶属于广州飞肯摩托车有限公司,这是一家专业生产制造摩托车的大型企业。 自2005年创立以来,飞肯摩托车已经在摩托车领域积累了丰富的经验和口碑。 公司总部位于交通便利、高新技术产业集中的广州市增城石滩 …
Everything You Need To Know About FKM Seals - WQRUBBER
2023年6月5日 · FKM seals, also known as fluorocarbon seals are industrial seals made of fluorocarbon elastomer material. This blog introduces fluorocarbon rubber, its material properties, and the advantages of FKM seals.
FKM vs NBR Performance Comparison: Which Rubber is Right for …
2024年11月26日 · FKM: Performs reliably in extreme conditions, from around -20°C up to 230°C. Practical Examples: Industries like automotive, aerospace, and chemical processing often rely on FKM for its excellent heat resistance. In contrast, NBR is best suited for sealing scenarios with moderate temperature requirements. 4.
Demystifying FKM: The Benefits of Fluoroelastomers - Eagle …
2022年10月12日 · The term FKM stands for fluoroelastomer. This type of material was developed during world war II as an antidote to the leaking nitrile seals that plagued the aircraft of the era. Fluorinated polymers that were developed as a solution for this matter contained chemically inert fluorine-carbon bonds that deliver a combination of temperature ...
Fluorocarbon Rubber Properties | FKM Elastomer Uses
Fluorocarbon rubber, FKM, is a high-performance premium rubber used when an application requires resistance to heat, chemicals, oils, and solvents. It is highly resistant to UV light, ozone, and can be used with alcohol or aromatic fuels, making it …
BKK FKM UNSRAT | Shalom Aleichem..... Public Health Bible Camp …
2025年1月4日 · Public Health Bible Camp PHBC XIV BKK FKM UNSRAT 2023 *Into The Love Of God* Yohanes 14 : 6 20 - 22 Oktober 2023 Wisma Lorenzo Lotta Pineleng To Be Like Christ ~ 1 Yohanes 2 : 6 _____ BIDANG PELAYANAN PENGINJILAN BIRO KEROHANIAN KRISTEN FAKULTAS KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT UNIVERSITAS SAM RATULANGI #bkk #bkkfkm #bkkfkmunsrat #tobelikechrist #phbc # ...
Fluorocarbon Rubber (FKM, FPM) - MakeItFrom.com
2018年9月8日 · FKM rubber is a thermoset elastomer or rubber material. It has a fairly high density among rubber materials. In addition, it has a fairly low tensile strength and a moderately low ductility. The graph bars on the material properties cards below compare FKM rubber to other rubber materials (top) and the entire database (bottom).
FKM-guideline 'Analytical strength Assessment ... - 百度学术
The FKM-Guideline "Analytical Strength Assessment" contains an algorithm for both static and the fatigue strength assessment of components made of steel, cast iron, and aluminium alloys.