DoD Forms Management - Executive Services Directorate
In coordination with the DoD, CIO, the DD establishes policies and procedures for the DoD Forms Management Program, including responsibilities for reviewing and approving form requirements. DoD forms satisfy a valid need; essential to accomplish a mission and necessary for the efficient and economical operation of the DoD.
Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) > External Links > FMCert
The primary purpose of the program is to establish a framework to guide DoD FM professional development. A second purpose is to provide a consistent, disciplined mechanism to ensure appropriate...
Washington Headquarters Services > Directives > forms > …
2025年3月7日 · To obtain hard copies of current forms not available in electronic format, please contact your own Military Service or DoD Component Forms Management Officer. Cancelled forms are not available in electronic formats. Here is a list of Forms Management POCs.
Army Publishing Directorate
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PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): To record enlistment or reenlistment into the U.S. Armed Forces. This information becomes a part of the subject's military personnel records which are used to document promotion, reassignment, training, medical support, and other personnel management actions. The purpose of soliciting the Social Security Number (SSN) and the Electronic Data Interchange Personal Identifier ...
Request Correction of Military Records - U.S. Department of Defense
2021年8月23日 · If you believe an error or injustice exists in your military record, you may complete and submit a DD Form 149, Application for Correction of Military Record, along with sufficient evidence of...
Department of the Air Force E-Publishing > Publications + Forms
The official website for Air Force e-Publishing
milConnect - Search
To view your Primary Personnel Email Address, go to ID Card Office (IDCO) Online. You will find your email address on your work tab, such as CIV, CTR, or MIL.
The DD Form 2792 and attached addenda are completed to identify a family member with special medical needs. There is a Certification Section on page 3 that should be signed AFTER the …
DLA Official Forms
Agency forms will satisfy a valid need and be properly designed using plain language and standardized data for easy collection, processing, analysis, and retrieval of information. Find lists of official forms from the Defense Logistics Agency, including links to other relevant DOD Forms.