Magpul FMG-9 - Wikipedia
The Magpul FMG-9 is a prototype folding submachine gun, designed by Magpul Industries in 2008. It is made out of polymer in place of metal, reducing weight. The FMG-9 never left the prototype stage, and never saw widespread production on any level, as the item was only produced by Magpul as a proof of concept.
馬格普FMG-9衝鋒槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
FMG-9 是一款由 美國 馬格普工業公司 研製的可摺式 衝鋒槍 原型,在2008年的 SHOT Show 中首次亮相。 FMG全稱Folding Machine Gun,數字9即指FMG所發射的9毫米口徑。 就像其他 PP-90 和Ares FMG等可折摺式衝鋒槍一樣,FMG-9能夠用於 隱蔽攜帶 (英语:Concealed carry),亦可以偽裝成一個小包裹或一盒額外的 筆記型電腦 電池。 據馬格普的員工作出的示範,摺疊後的FMG-9能收藏在使用者褲子後面的口袋裡。 其槍身是由一種輕量級的 聚合物 材料製成,故顯 …
马格普FMG-9冲锋枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
FMG全称Folding Machine Gun,数字9即指FMG所发射的9毫米口径。 就像其他 PP-90 和Ares FMG等可折折式冲锋枪一样,FMG-9能够用于 隐蔽携带 (英语:Concealed carry),亦可以伪装成一个小包裹或一盒额外的 笔记型电脑 电池。 据马格普的员工作出的示范,折叠后的FMG-9能收藏在使用者裤子后面的口袋里。 其枪身是由一种轻量级的 聚合物 材料制成,故显得相当轻便和能够方便携带。 目前,马格普只开发出FMG-9的原型枪,该枪并没有投产。 FMG-9原型枪发射 …
Foldable machine gun - Wikipedia
A foldable or folding machine gun (or FMG) is a type of submachine gun designed to be folded for concealed carry and can often be disguised. Examples of foldable machine guns include: ARES FMG FMG-9 Hotchkiss Type Universal PP-90 UC-9
FDC and FDP: Magpul's Folding Gun - The Mag Life
2021年1月15日 · The Zev FDC9 and FDP, both descended from the FMG9, are folding gun variants based on the ZevTech OZ9 modular pistol design, made in collaboration with Magpul Industries.
The Magpul FMG9 Netbook-sized Folding Machine Gun - New …
The Magpul Folding Machine Gun (FMG9) is a rapidly-deployable, ultra-concealable personal defense weapon currently in development for military, law-enforcement and...
MagPul FMG9: Prototype 9mm Folding Submachine Gun
2008年2月22日 · The MagPul FMG 9 9mm subgun essentially shows in microcosm all of MagPul’s creativity and product design and development strengths (including ergonomics and "usernomics")–and, yes, perhaps even a desire to entertain–in one …
Magpul FMG-9 - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in …
The Magpul FMG-9 was a prototype covert firearm composed of polymer plastic and lightweight metals. It borrowed an old design element originally used in the Ares FMG (Folding subMachine Gun), but more well known from the UC-9 submachine gun, which is the ability to fold up and resemble a harmless looking box.
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马盖普FMG-9冲锋枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年12月24日 · FMG-9 是一款由 美国 马盖普工业公司 研制的可折式 冲锋枪 原型,在2008年的 SHOT Show 中首次亮相。 FMG全称Folding Machine Gun,数字9即指FMG所发射的9毫米口径。 就像其他 PP-90 和Ares FMG等可折折式冲锋枪一样,FMG-9能够用于 隐蔽携带 (英语:Concealed carry),亦可以伪装成一个小包裹或一盒额外的 笔记型电脑 电池。 据马盖普的员工作出的示范,折叠后的FMG-9能收藏在用户裤子后面的口袋里。 其枪身是由一种轻量级的 聚 …
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