eCFR :: 49 CFR 571.222 -- Standard No. 222; School bus passenger ...
§ 571.222 Standard No. 222; School bus passenger seating and crash protection. S1. Scope. This standard establishes occupant protection requirements for school bus passenger seating and restraining barriers. S2. Purpose.
FMVSS No. 222, one of a set of new standards for school buses, improves protection to school bus passengers during crashes and sudden driving maneuvers. Effective since 1977, FMVSS No. 222 contains occupant protection requirements for school bus seating positions and restraining barriers. Its requirements for school
2011年10月21日 · Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 222 establishes occupant protection requirements for school bus passenger seating and restraining barriers.
FMVSS 222 中文版 - 道客巴巴
2019年1月3日 · FMVSS 222 中文版 下载积分: 150 内容提示: § 571.222 Standard No. 222?School bus passengerseating and crash protection.S1. Scope. This standard establishes occupant protectionrequirements for school bus passenger seating and restrainingbarriers.S1.标题:本标准是基于校车乘员座椅和碰撞障碍物而建立的。
49 CFR 571.222 - GovInfo
49 CFR 571.222 - Standard No. 222; School bus passenger seating and crash protection.
Federal Register :: Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; …
2008年10月21日 · FMVSS No. 222, one of a set of new standards for school buses, improves protection to school bus passengers during crashes and sudden driving maneuvers. Effective since 1977, FMVSS No. 222 contains occupant protection requirements for school bus seating positions and restraining barriers.
School Bus Passenger Seating and Crash Protection. This Standard applies to school buses. It establishes dimensional, strength and impact protection requirements for school bus passenger seating and restraining barriers.
FMVSS 222 中文版 - 百度文库
§ 571.222 Standard No. 222; School bus passenger seating and crash protection. S1. Scope. This standard establishes occupant protection requirements for school bus passenger seating and restraining barriers. S1.标题:本标准是基于校车乘员座椅和碰撞障碍物而建立的。 S2. Purpose.
美国校车标准_文化_校车网 - xiaoche001.com
2012年10月2日 · 美国境内的不同管理机构至2000年一共颁布了37项联邦机动车辆安全标准(Federal Motor VehicleSafety Standards(FMVSS)),内容涵盖了诸如:刹车、转向、灯光照明、燃油系统整体安全、视镜、加热除霜设备和压缩天然气压力容器等各个部件。
FMVSS 222-2016 - 道客巴巴
Fixed occupancy seat means a bench seat equipped with Type 2 seat belts that has a permanent configuration re-garding the number of seating posi-tions on the seat. The number of seat-ing positions on the bench seat cannot be increased or decreased.