FN 303® Tactical
Driven by the new, compact compressed air tank, the FN 303 Tactical delivers the .68-caliber fin-stabilized projectiles with speed, accuracy and safety. Officers can quickly change from inert, marking impact or irritant projectiles, with a clear view …
FN 303 - Wikipedia
The FN 303 is a semi-automatic less-lethal riot gun designed and manufactured by Fabrique Nationale de Herstal. The FN 303 uses compressed air to fire projectiles from a 15-round drum magazine. It is designed to incapacitate the target through blunt trauma without causing critical injuries, and is most widely used for riot control and other ...
FN 303® Launcher
The FN 303® Launcher is equipped with both flip-up iron sights and an integrated MIL-STD-1913 top mounting rail for optical or electronic sights or other accessories. The lightweight polymer magazine holds 15 projectiles and offers a clear rear cover to allow the operator to instantly verify both the payload type and the number of projectiles ...
The FN 303 ® projectile has been specifically designed to ensure optimum accuracy with maximum effectiveness and minimum risk. It delivers a sufficiently dissuasive level of pain within the projectile’s impact zone to disable targets temporarily.
FN 303非致命性彈藥發射器 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
FN 303非致命性彈藥發射器 (FN 303)是一款由 比利时 槍械製造商 埃斯塔勒 國營工廠 (荷蘭語: Fabrique Nationale de Herstal,簡稱:FN)所設計和生產的 半自動 (英语:Semi-automatic firearm) 非致命性 防暴 彈藥 發射器。 FN 303所發射的是經過特別設計、會在受到衝擊力後立即碎裂的18毫米專用彈藥(非致命性彈藥),以消除因為 子弹 的 貫穿力 而受到重大傷害的風險。 這武器最主要的操作情況包括:鎮壓國內的 暴動 、以油漆彈對暴力的 嫌疑犯 留下標記和建立 …
非致命性武器科普:FN 303 - 哔哩哔哩
FN 303非致命性弹药发射器 (FN 303)是一款由比利时枪械制造商埃斯塔勒国营工厂(荷兰语:Fabrique Nationale de Herstal,简称:FN)所设计和生产的半自动非致命性镇暴弹药发射器。FN 303所发射的是经过特别设计、会在受到冲击力后立即碎裂的18毫米专用弹药(非致命 ...
FN 303低致命防暴气枪,被美军广泛使用的冷门枪械 - 知乎
2023年7月15日 · FN 303是一种半自动气枪,有两家彩弹枪公司参与研发,它的设计不仅考虑到了一般警察、监狱等部门的防暴需求,还考虑到了军队在这方面的需求,这也是它能成功的关键因素之一。 FN 303空重2.3千克,长740毫米,外壳使用6061 T6铝精密加工而成,表面经过 阳极氧化 处理,坚固耐用,持握方式与冲锋枪差不多。 枪身右侧有一个气瓶提供发射所需的压缩空气,压缩空气通过导管连接到枪膛,枪支采用 半自动射击,每扣动一次扳机完成一次击发。 该枪使 …
Shoulder-Fired FN 303 ® Tactical
Highly modular and compact, the FN 303 ® Tactical is perfectly suited for interventions up to 50 metres, use in confined spaces and being carried in vehicles. A number of accessories fully tested and certified by FN Herstal are proposed with the FN 303 ® …
FN 303非致命性弹药发射器 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
FN 303非致命性弹药发射器(FN 303)是一款由比利时枪械制造商埃斯塔勒 国营工厂(荷兰语: Fabrique Nationale de Herstal ,简称:FN)所设计和生产的 半自动 ( 英语 : Semi-automatic firearm ) 非致命性 防暴 弹药发射器。
FN 303® Mk2 | FN® Firearms
Built from lightweight, rugged polymer and driven by a compressed CO 2 air tank, the FN 303® Mk2 upgrades FN’s less lethal technology for today’s officers, delivering increased accuracy with new, adjustable flip up metal sights and a MIL-STD 1913 top rail for optical or red dot sights.
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