FN America (FNA) Previews the Lightweight Intermediate Caliber ...
2023年1月16日 · FN America (FNA) is previewing an entirely new weapon system unlike anything you have seen at the 2023 SHOT Show in Las Vegas, called the Lightweight Intermediate Caliber Cartridge (LICC) Individual Weapon System (IWS), it has four purpose-built components:
FN LLIC IWS步枪 - 枪炮世界
在2023年1月拉斯维加斯举行的SHOT Show上,FN美国公司展出了一种新的武器系统,该武器还没有正式的名称,但项目名称为IWS(“单兵武器系统”Individual Weapon System的缩写),还有配套的新口径枪弹,项目名称为LICC(“轻型中口径弹”Lightweight Intermediate Caliber ...
POTD: FN America LICC IWS - thefirearmblog.com
2024年11月26日 · Is this the next FN SCAR? No, it’s not. The IWS (Individual Weapon System) is an entirely new weapon, distinct from the SCAR family. It uses a long-stroke gas piston operating system, which reduces recoil and places less strain on the internal components.
FN America IPC (LICC IWS) & EXM (MRGG) | FN Herstal Firearms
2023年1月16日 · FN IPC (Improved Performance Carbine) Lightweight Intermediate Caliber Cartridge (LICC) Individual Weapon System (IWS) IWS is available in three field interchangeable configurations: 11.5” Close Quarters Battle (CQB), 14.5” Carbine, and 18.5” Recce (Designated Marksmanship Rifle) with the various versions weighing between 7 and 9 pounds ...
FN’s Individual Weapon System in .264 USA - The Armourers Bench
2023年3月12日 · Right: FN IWS (FN America) Development of the ammunition and weapon has been an iterative process and three variants will be delivered: an 11.5” Close Quarters Battle carbine, a 14.5” Carbine, and a 18.5” ‘Recce’ (Designated Marksmanship Rifle). FN America say these variants weight 7 and 9 pounds, empty depending on configuration.
[SHOT 2023] FN America's New Individual Weapon System
2023年1月18日 · FN America have unveiled a brand new rifle developed for a US government requirement. We headed over to take a look. The new Individual Weapon System, chambered in .264, is on display in a case, tucked away in the military section of FN America’s booth.
AUSA 24 - FN Lightweight Intermediate Caliber Cartridge (LICC ...
2024年10月28日 · We initially showed you the FN Lightweight Intermediate Caliber Cartridge (LICC) Individual Weapon System (IWS) just before SHOT Show 2023. Since then, it’s undergone some improvements. FN America exhibited version 2.2 of the IWS at this year’s AUSA.
FN Shows off New 6.5x43 Individual Weapon System - Guns.com
2023年2月2日 · Built around a new 6.5x43mm Lightweight Intermediate Caliber Cartridge, or LICC (lick?), that the company says delivers 7.62 NATO performance in a 5.56-sized package, FN's new Individual Weapon...
A look at the new .264 Round from FN and the Rifle that Uses it
2023年2月6日 · Built around a new 6.5x43mm Lightweight Intermediate Caliber Cartridge, or LICC (lick?), that the company says delivers 7.62 NATO performance in a 5.56-sized package, FN’s new Individual Weapon System was developed for the IWTSD, a government office that supports the U.S. special operations community.
FN’s New Individual Weapon System in .264 USA
FN’s New Individual Weapon System in .264 USA. At SHOT Show 2023 we got our first look at the Individual Weapon System, chambered in .264 Lightweight Intermediate Caliber Cartridge (LICC) - a round developed from .264 USA.