SB204M-C63 | ABB - ABB Group
stics (B,C,D), configurations (1P,1P+N,2P,3P,3P+N,4P), breaking capacities (up to 10 kA at 240/415 V AC) and rated currents (up to 63A). All MCBs of the product range SB200M comply with IS/IEC 60898-1, allowing the use for residential, commercial and industrial applications.
MCB, SB200M - 40A 4P (FP) C Curve 10kA - ABB Marketplace
System pro M compact SB200M Miniature Circuit Breakers are current limiting. They have two different tripping mechanisms, the delayed thermal tripping mechanism for overload protection and the electromechanic tripping mechanism for short circuit protection.
40 A FP C MCB - Havells
MCB FP C Curve As low as ₹ 1 278.00 (incl. of all taxes) MRP ₹ 2 198.00 42% Off Suitable for protection against overload & short circuit for high inrush current loads.
MCB Online in India | Polycab - Polycab India Limited
Explore a wide range of high-quality MCBs online at Polycab. Discover top-quality branded RCCB MCBs and experience exceptional electrical supplies with Polycab.
4 Pole MCB | Schneider Electric India
2025年2月5日 · It is a 4P circuit breaker with 4 protected poles and 63A In rated current and C tripping curve. The rated short circuit breaking capacity goes up to 10000 A at 415VAC conforming to EN/IEC 60898-1 standard and 10000A at 415VAC conforming to …
MCBs (Miniature Circuit Breakers) |Schneider Electric India
Industrial Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) up to 63 A For secure and sound operations in an industry, one requires a foolproof system powered by latest technology and modern infrastructure. To back the entire system and protect it from unwanted breakdown, heavy duty Miniature circuit breaker is required.
Buy ABB 32A FP C-Curve 10kA MCB at Best Price in India
This 32A FP C-Curve 10kA MCB is a three pole highly durable MCB with finger touch proof terminals conforming to IP20 degree of protection. It is used in Three Phase Supply with neutral to break the phase. It is ideal for the protection against …
Havells DHMGCFPF040 PVC Plastic 40A MCB FP C Curve (White)
Package Contents: 1-Piece 40A MCB FP C Curve ; No warranty ; Suitable for protection against overload and short circuit for high inrush current loads ›
- 评论数: 7
斷路器 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
斷路器 (circuit breaker,CB)又稱 空氣開關 、 保險掣 、 無熔線斷路器 (NFB),是用於保護電路免受 過電流 損害的電氣安全裝置。 斷路器的基本功能是手動啟斷(闔上和斷開)迴路或自動切斷故障迴路,以保護設備(迴路中的電器)和防止火災風險,廣泛使用於工業生產和日常生活中。 高壓用斷路器最常見為真空斷路器和氣體斷路器:35kV及以下電力系統中,多採用真空斷路器;35kV以上電力系統則多採用氣體斷路器(SF6斷路器)。 低壓用斷路器最常見為無熔線斷 …
FP MCB kya hai - Electric Work Centre
2021年2月6日 · यह एक इलेक्ट्रिक सर्किट ब्रेकर Electric Circuit Breaker है जिसका उपयोग इलेक्ट्रिक पावर सप्लाई लो टेंशन तीन फेज और न्यूट्रल लाइन ( LT 3 Phase and Neutral Line ) में किया जाताा है। इसे चार पोल एमसीबी के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। इसका उपयोग थ्री फेज लाइन में किया जाताा है जहां 3 फेज और 1 न्यूट्रल लाइन को कंट्रोल करना होता है उसके लिए लगाया जाता है ।.