FPL | Energy My Way | Solar
Discover which solar programs is right for you and how we’re advancing solar energy in Florida while keeping bills among the lowest in the nation.
FPL | Energy My Way | SolarTogether
Join the nation’s largest community solar program and share in the economic and environmental benefits of Florida based large-scale solar while receiving monthly bill credits on your FPL bill. The FPL SolarTogether ® program is growing.
FPL | Energy My Way | Rooftop Solar
Rooftop solar panels work whenever the sun is shining and produce more energy when sunlight hits the panels directly, rather than at an angle. When the sun is not shining or on rainy days, homes and businesses are powered by FPL’s highly fuel-efficient power plant fleet, one of the cleanest among all utilities nationwide.
Locations – FPL SolarNow®
With this map you can locate FPL solar energy projects throughout Florida, including our FPL SolarNow tree and canopy projects, as well as FPL Universal Solar Energy Centers.
FPL | Energy My Way | Solar
We're advancing solar power in Florida and you can too. Through private and community-based programs, enjoy the benefits of clean solar energy.
FAQs - FPL SolarNow
The program, now known as FPL SolarNow, provides FPL customers with an easy way to support the sustainment of solar arrays in local Florida communities, without increasing costs on customers who are unable or choose not to participate. As of December 2020, the program has been extended through Dec. 31, 2025.
FPL SolarNow® – Bringing Clean Solar Energy Closer
2025年2月19日 · FPL SolarNow projects—from covered walkways to parking canopies and solar trees—are designed to make solar energy more accessible and bring it closer to you. Visitors to SolarNow locations can witness the marvels of solar up close.
The FPL SolarTogether Program: Is It Worth It? - SolarReviews
The FPL SolarTogether program is a way for any FPL customer to subscribe to solar energy and receive small bill credits over a term of up to 30 years. The SolarTogether program was first approved in 2019, and extended in 2023 to include 44 solar sites totaling 3,278 megawatts (MW) of maximum rated power output.
FPL | Energy My Way | SolarTogether | Residential
FPL SolarTogether ® is a collaborative community effort, which makes going solar easy for everyone. Designed with convenience and budget in mind, the program empowers you to start your solar journey in a way that fits your life, without …
Guide to Going Solar with Florida Power & Light (FP&L)
2024年1月16日 · Fortunately, there is a hack to your electricity bill if you are a resident of the state. Florida Power & Light 1 (FP&L) launched SolarTogether in 2020 as a way to support community solar projects directly through an innovative solar subscription program. Even more lucrative for homeowners?