Yaesu FT-60R 144/430 MHz Dual-Band HTs - DX Engineering
Yaesu FT-60R 144/430 MHz Dual-Band HTs are equipped with extensive receive-frequency coverage, providing versatile two-way amateur communications along with unmatched monitoring. A new-generation Emergency Automatic ID (EAI) feature for Search-and-Rescue operations, is introduced in the FT-60R!
- 评论数: 85
the FT-60R provides receive coverage of the VHF and UHF TV bands, the VHF AM aircraft band, and a wide range of commercial and public safety frequencies! New and exciting features of the FT-60R are the Emergency Automatic ID (EAI) function, that will automatically cause your FT-60R to transmit your callsign and
YAESU, FT-60R, Transceivers HT Dual Band 2m-70cm, FT60R - Ham Radio Outlet
Yaesu's FT-60R 144/430 MHz 5-Watt FM Hand-held is one of HRO's most popular selling dual band radios! The FT-60R includes wide receiver coverage, outstanding audio quality, the most CTCSS/DCS flexibility in the industry, and a new Emergency Automatic Identification (EAI) feature for search-and-rescue work.
Yaesu FT-60, Yaesu FT60R 2 Meter HT - Universal Radio
The Yaesu FT-60R dual-band 2 meter/440 MHz HT boasts 5 watts output on both bands. It also features wideband receive from 108-520 and 700-999.990 MHz (less cellular). An Emergency Automatic ID system will automatically cause your FT-60R to transmit your callsign and engage the mic if you are disabled and unable to press the PTT switch.
商品情報 - FT-60|八重洲無線株式会社 - Yaesu
FT-60同士で緊急信号を伝達するEAI機能。 グループでの登山などには、アクシデントの対策に. 八重洲無線株式会社は、無線通信機を中心に電波を媒介するコミュニケーションを事業の領域としてとらえています。 アマチュア無線機に始まり、業務用無線機、データ通信機器など幅広い製品をそろえ、お客さまにお応えしています。
Welcome to Yaesu.com
Yaesu's popular 144/430 MHz 5-Watt FM Hand-held was introduced at Dayton 2004. The FT-60R includes wide receiver coverage, outstanding audio quality, the most CTCSS/DCS flexibility in the industry, and a new Emergency Automatic Identification (EAI) feature for search-and-rescue work.
Reviews For: Yaesu FT-60R - eHam.net
The FT-60 was first introduced in Dayton in 2004, and became an instant hit for Yaesu. It replaced the FT-50, which also had a loyal following, and brought two significant improvements, namely 1000 memories and NiMH batteries. It lost the mil810 standard compliance in …
ft-60は緊急連絡用として最適モデル. ft-60の超ロングセラーの秘訣は、アマチュア無線機に求められるもう一つの存在意義、緊急連絡用として最適なモデルだからです。それを端的に表しているのがバッテリーの作動時間。なんと43時間にも達します。
哈罗CQ火腿社区 - 设备 - 八重洲发布FT-60R - Powered by phpwind
2004年9月14日 · 八重洲ft-60r是在2004年美国业余无线电节上发布的。 这款手持对讲机在2米和440mhz均可获得5w的功率输出。 它仍具自108-520、700-999mhz的宽频接收特色。 紧急情况自动id系统在你受伤不能按下ptt按钮的时候,将自动通过ft-60r传送给你的呼号和话筒里的声音;可编程键盘使你很方便;校验密码防止未被授权者使用你的无线电设备。 可选购的ct-27a电缆可实现两台机器的数据克隆。 其他精巧设计包含:美国海洋和大气局天气预报。 9个双音频自动拨号存 …
8 Reasons to/NOT to Buy Yaesu FT-60R - The American QRP Club
2022年3月7日 · Whether you’re a brand-new ham or you typically use mobile or base station transceivers, the Yaesu FT-60R is a fantastic choice if you want a 70-centimeter and 2-meter band handheld transceiver (HT). It’s barely changed since it was introduced in 2004 – and in this case, that’s a good thing.