下肢力线的测量及其在全膝关节置换术中的应用 | 骨科在线
冠状面上股骨和胫骨解剖轴线之间的外侧夹角命名为股胫角(femorotibial angle,FTA)。 FTA与人种、性别、身高、股骨偏心距、髋臼旋转程度等多种因素都密切相关,其在白人男性和女性中的平均值分别为178°和175°~176°,这一数值在亚洲人群中略小[11]。
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胫股角(femoraltibial angle,FTA)是股骨解剖轴线与胫骨解剖轴线在膝关节中心相交形成的向外侧的夹角。 此夹角平均为174°。
Femorotibial angle on short knee radiographs fails to accurately ...
2024年6月27日 · Despite the widespread utilization of the more convenient femorotibial angle (FTA) on either antero-posterior (AP) or postero-anterior (PA) short knee radiographs (SKRs), its definition and correlation with HKA remains controversial.
Predicting hip-knee-ankle and femorotibial angles from knee …
2023年6月1日 · There are two common measurements of knee angle taken from radiographs: hip-knee-ankle (HKA) and femorotibial angle (FTA). HKA is defined as the angle between the mechanical axes of the femur and the tibia [9]; its measurement requires a full-limb radiograph to identify the hip, knee and ankle joint centres.
Femur-tibia angle and patella-tibia angle: new indicators for ...
2022年4月13日 · Femur-tibia angle (FTA) and patella-tibia angle (PTA) are two MRI measurements that reflect the rotation of the knee joint. The purposes of this study were to assess whether FTA and PTA are associated with ACL tear and …
A novel method for determining the Femoral-Tibial Angle of Knee ...
2020年8月4日 · Femoral-tibial alignment is a prominent risk factor for Knee Osteoarthritis (KOA) incidence and progression. One way of assessing alignment is by determining the Femoral-Tibial Angle (FTA). Several studies have investigated FTA determination; however, methods of assessment of FTA still present chall …
Femorotibial angle scan-rescan reproducibility: A high-precision ...
2024年7月10日 · Purpose: Femorotibial angle (FTA) is a convenient measure of coronal knee alignment that can be extracted from a short knee radiograph, avoiding the additional radiation exposure and specialist equipment required for full-leg radiographs.
(a) Femorotibial angle: the femorotibial angle (FTA) is the lateral ...
An increased FTA is called varus alignment while a decreased FTA is called valgus alignment. (b) Femur neck-shaft angle: a decreased femur neck-shaft angle is called coxa vara or varus...
膝関節のFTA(femoro-tibial angle)とは?計測方法や生理的外 …
この記事では、膝関節での重要な評価である「大腿骨脛骨角(FTA:femoro-tibial angle)」について解説していきます。 FTAは膝の形態異常を表す重要な評価ですので、きっちりと覚えていきましょう!
Radiographic measurement of femorotibial angle (FTA, a), medial ...
The femorotibial angle (FTA), lateral distal femoral angle (LDFA), and medial proximal tibial angle (MPTA) were measured on the anteroposterior view of the knee radiographs according to our...
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