Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis associated FUS mutation …
2018年10月22日 · Dominant mutations in the RNA binding protein Fused in Sarcoma (FUS) have been identified as causative factors of ALS. Mutation, R495X, results in a premature stop codon and induces an aggressive...
FUS regulates autophagy by mediating the transcription of genes ...
Fused in Sarcoma (FUS) is a ubiquitously expressed RNA/DNA-binding protein that plays different roles in the cell. FUS pathology has been reported in neurodegenerative diseases amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Mutations in FUS have also been linked to a subset of familial ALS.
Flag of the United States - Wikipedia
The national flag of the United States, often referred to as the American flag or the U.S. flag, consists of thirteen horizontal stripes, alternating red and white, with a blue rectangle in the canton bearing fifty small, white, five-pointed stars arranged in nine offset horizontal rows, where rows of six stars alternate with rows of five stars.
A chaperone-like function of FUS ensures TAZ condensate
2024年1月3日 · Our study identifies FUS as a TAZ-interacting partner that partitions into nuclear TAZ condensates. This association, which is accomplished through direct interactions between the low complexity...
FUS regulates genes coding for RNA-binding proteins in neurons …
FUS RNA targets were recently reported for FLAG-tagged FUS whose expression was enforced in 293T cells (Hoell et al. 2011), revealing prominent binding of FUS to introns and highlighting its function in splicing.
Plasmid for expression of FLAG-GFP tagged human FUS/TLS (C-terminal tag). Confers resistance to G418.
3X FLAG-FUS-WT - Addgene
Plasmid 3X FLAG-FUS-WT from Dr. Robin Reed's lab contains the insert FUS (Full length) and is published in Cell Rep. 2012 Oct 25;2(4):799-806. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2012.08.025. Epub 2012 Sep 27. This plasmid is available through Addgene.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis caused by FUS mutations: advances …
Autosomal dominant mutations in the gene encoding the DNA and RNA binding protein FUS are a cause of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and about 0·3–0·9% of patients with ALS are FUS mutation carriers. FUS -mutation-associated ALS (FUS -ALS) is characterised by early onset and rapid progression, compared with other forms of ALS.
Neurodegeneration-associated FUS is a novel regulator of circadian …
We found that FUS, an oscillating expressed nuclear protein implicated in the pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD), exerted a novel feedback route to regulate circadian gene expression. Nr1d1- encoded core circadian protein REV-ERBα bound the Fus promoter and regulated the expression of Fus.
GEO Accession viewer - National Center for Biotechnology …
2019年7月21日 · First, endogeneous FUS was immunoprecipitated from wildtype and FUS-P525L mutant motoneurons. Second, FUS wildtype or the P525L mutant was ectopically expressed as a flag-fusion protein and immunoprecipitated using an anti-flag antibody.