FV510 - Official Squad Wiki
FV510 is the most common infantry fighting vehicle for the British Armed Forces faction. Two variants are available. The regular, older version (named the FV510, "Warrior") and a newer variant with increased armor protection (named the FV510 UA, "Warrior") basic version.
Warrior tracked armoured vehicle - Wikipedia
The FV510 Warrior tracked vehicle family is a series of British armoured vehicles, originally developed to replace FV430 series armoured vehicles. The Warrior started life as the MCV-80, "Mechanised Combat Vehicle for the 1980s".
What is the difference between FV 510 and FV 510 UA? : r/joinsquad - Reddit
2020年3月1日 · UA stands for Up-Armoured. That version takes less damage to the sides because of the metal plates. The UA varient has just a little more armour on the sides in the form of added on side skirts. Visually: sides of warrior has extra armour plating (can't remember if front armor changes visually).
Detailed guide on heavy vehicles - Steam Community
2021年2月17日 · Almost all tracked infantry fighting vehicles have ATGMs (except FV510 Warrior), which allow you successfully fight enemy heavy vehicles. Unlike tanks, different IFVs have too many features that greatly affect their gameplay.
Ultimate Armored Vehicle Guide ( Outdated :c ) - Steam Community
2024年3月4日 · Greeting fellow squadies and welcome to my Ultimate Armored Guide, in this guide we will cover some vehicle basics overall, define some point for your gameplay and go in depth to every relevant MBT, MGS and IFV in squad. (Ive also included some relevant APCs)
FV510步兵战车 - 百度百科
一辆fv510在敌阵中横冲直撞,虽然先后身中14发伊军rpg火箭,但仍能平安将伤员运返英军阵地,该车的驾驶还获得英国伊丽莎白女王颁发勋章表扬。在巴尔干半岛的维和任务中,厚甲重锴、火力强大的fv510展现出强大的威吓能力。 [11]
战术小队V8.0更新:烟雾弹增强及多问题修复 - 百度贴吧
Invasion v1 - 修复了导致BAF联合武器单位拥有多于预期FV510数量的错误。 该单位现在拥有一辆FV510和一辆FV510 UA。 Invasion v2 - 修复了部分导致船只维修站漂浮的问题。
FV510 | 【南赛】战术小队文档
FV510 是 联合王国陆军主要履带式装甲战斗车辆 之一,FV510曾参与两次波斯湾战争以及之间的科索沃、波斯尼亚维和任务,表现十分优异。 对于 UA 型号分别在车身两侧和前方加装了一块 STANAG Level 6 级的附加装甲(这意味着即使在 90° 下,游戏中也没有 30 毫米弹 会穿透这些装甲板) 这有帮助吗?
派系概览 - SQUAD战术小队中文维基
《战术小队》中展示的英国武装部队的旗帜是英国国旗;由中心的红十字(代表圣乔治和英格兰)组成,红十字将蓝白相间的 X 型对角线(代表圣安德鲁和苏格兰)切成四分之一,在蓝白相间 X 型对角线的白线内有一个红色的 X 型对角线(代表圣帕特里克和爱尔兰)。 威尔士在国旗上没有代表。 兵种详情点我. *Commander Asset.
如何让你的载具队名字逼格满满!! 战术小队载具英文对照 - 哔哩 …
2021年6月13日 · FV510 UA Infantry Fighting Vehicle. FV520 CTAS UA Infantry Fighting Vehicle. 亲手整理 如有错误请指出 ...