The FX07 is a field controller in the Facility Explorer range of products. The controller is designed specifically for commercial Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditionin g, and Refrigeration (HVACR)
【松下FX07GK】报价_参数_图片_论坛_(Panasonic)松下FX07GK数 …
这款Panasonic G7微单相机是入门级别的选择,非常适合学生和刚开始学习摄影的人。 它采用了2030万像素的Live MOS传感器和高性能处理器,可以提供出色的图像质量。 此外,G7还具备高速连拍功能和4K视频拍摄能力,可捕捉到生动的画 [阅读全文] 松下相机偷了尼康的样张,造假神操作? 松下G7的续航能力怎么样? 松下G7配备了一块约1200mAh的锂电池,在实际拍摄中续航能力可以说是令人刮目相看,一块电池支撑一... [详细] 拍婚礼视频用索尼a7m3还是松下gh5s呢? …
松下DMC-FX07 - 百度百科
松下DMC-FX07,照相机,有效像素 是720万像素。
The FX07 is a terminal unit controller in the Facility Explorer range of products. The controller is designed specifically for commercial Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration (HVACR) applications. The controller has 17 physical inputs and outputs and supports a wide range of temperature sensors and actuating devices.
松下FX07 - 百度百科
松下FX07是一款720万像素级别的便携式卡片数码相机,功能简单实用,场景模式丰富,画质表现尚佳,能够满足日常家庭拍摄需求。 3.6倍光学变焦徕卡镜头,ISO 3200,O.I.S光学防抖,28mm广角,支持848×480 30fps的短片拍摄。 但是,没有内置存储空间。
广角高感光度卡片DC松下FX07评测 - 新浪科技
2006年9月19日 · fx07是目前市面上带广角的小型 数码相机 中像素最高的一款,采用1/2.5英寸720万有效像素CCD,最大可拍摄3072X2304像素的图片,可以拍摄640X480或848X480 ...
松下DMC-FX07规格参数 - xitek.com
DMC-FX07采用720万有效像素CCD和3倍光学变焦镜头,背面搭载了2.5英寸液晶显示屏。 ...(详细内容) 权威的摄影器材评测与点评,全面深入的器材资讯。 汇聚摄影爱好者的宝贵摄影经验、技巧和影像处理方法。 各色各样的数码相机,单反相机,相机镜头资料尽在其中。
Panasonic Lumix Brown Digital Camera 7.2MP DMC-FX07
The Lumix DMC-FX07 7.2-megapixel digital camera features a wide-angle f2.8 Leica DC lens with 3.6x optical zoom (equivalent to 28mm to 102mm on a 35mm film camera), an Intelligent Image Stabilizer by Mega O.I.S. (Optical Image Stabilizer), and Intelligent ISO control.
Panasonic DMC-FX07K 7.2MP Digital Camera with 3.6x Optical …
The new Lumix DMC-FX07 7.2-megapixel digital camera features a wide-angle f2.8 Leica DC lens with 3.6x optical zoom (equivalent to 28mm to 102mm on a 35mm film camera), an Intelligent Image Stabilizer by Mega O.I.S. (Optical Image Stabilizer), and Intelligent ISO control.
The FX07 is designed to provide direct, closed loop control over mechanical HVAC or refrigeration equipment, either as a standalone device or as a part of a larger, networked control system. The FX07 supports two methods of application programming: configurable and fully programmable.