Fadak - Wikipedia
Fadak (Arabic: فدك) was a village with fertile land in an oasis near Medina. The takeover of Fadak by Muslims in 629 CE was peaceful and a share of it thus belonged to the Islamic prophet Muhammad. After Muhammad died in 632, Fadak was confiscated from his daughter Fatima and administered as public property, despite her objections.
Conquest of Fadak - Wikipedia
The Surrender of Fadak, also spelt Fidak, [1][2][3] or Fidk took place in May 628 AD, 2nd month of 7AH of the Islamic calendar. [4][5] The Islamic prophet Muhammad had found out that the People of Fadak had collected in order to fight the Muslims alongside the Khaybar Jews. Therefore, he sent Ali to them. [6]
A Short History of Fadak after the Martyrdom of Fatimah (sa)
Whenever one of the Caliphs made a decision to put into effect Allah’s command, in regards to Fadak, to observe justice and equity, and to restore the right to the entitled one in conformity with Islamic rules, he used to return back the Fadak to the descendants of Fatimah (sa) and to hand it …
Sermon of Fadak - Wikipedia
The Sermon of Fadak (Arabic: الخطبة الفدكية) refers to a speech at the Prophet's Mosque in Medina, delivered by Fatima, daughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, shortly after his death in 632 CE. [1][2][3] In this sermon, Fatima protested Abu Bakr's succession to Muhammad and criticized Muslims for descending to what she ...
Fadak - Islamica
Fadak is the name of a piece of farming land around Medina that came under the ownership of the Holy Prophet after the peace treaty with the Jews of that area. Upon Allah’s command, the Holy Prophet gave this land to his daughter.
Fadak - MuslimWiki
Fadak was a fertile land that had been given to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a gift directly from Allah (SWT), as mentioned in the Qur'an. The land was not obtained through military conquest, but rather it was surrendered by its Jewish inhabitants without any fighting.
The Story Of Fadak, Part 1 and 2 - Archive.org
2023年7月1日 · Fadak (Arabic: فدك) was a village with fertile land in an oasis near Medina. The takeover of Fadak by Muslims in 629 CE was peaceful and a share of it thus belonged to Prophet Muhammad and his Daughter Hazrat Fatimah (sa).
Fadak - wikishia
Fadak (Arabic: فدك) is a village in Hijaz, which had lush gardens with date palm trees which was conquered by Muslims after the Battle of Khaybar. The notability of Fadak is because of the quarrel between Lady Fatima (a) and Abu Bakr over its …
Fadak - Al-Islam.org
Fadak is a very important and crucial episode in Islamic history. Situated north of Medina, at a distance of 2 or 3 days journey, it was a very fertile land, where according to the report of Ibn Abil Hadid, date-groves were not less than those of Kufa of 13th century Ibn Abil-Hadid, Sharh of Nahjul-Balaghah, vol.16, p.236; Halab Publishing ...
The Fadak Series Part I: The value of Fadak - shiacentral.com
2024年12月23日 · In it (i.e. Fadak) were eleven date palms that the Messenger of God (saw) had planted with his own hand. The descendants of Fatima (sa) would take its fruits, and when pilgrims came, they would give them those dates and …