Fake Clan: Valorant Team Profile | VLR.gg
Fake Clan roster, upcoming matches, results, rank, stats, and achievements
FaZe Clan_百度百科
FaZe Clan,美国电子竞技俱乐部,成立于2010年5月,总部位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,现任CEO为Lee Trink,旗下分部包括使命召唤、FIFA Online、堡垒之夜、汤姆克兰西的彩虹六号围攻、Valorant、Halo Infinite、Super Smash Bros. Ultimate、反恐精英:全球攻势等。
FaZe Clan - Wikipedia
FaZe Clan, or simply FaZe, is a professional esports and entertainment brand. Founded on May 30, 2010, as FaZe Sniping, the organization has professional players and content creators from around the world, across multiple games. [4]
FaZe Clan - Liquipedia Counter-Strike Wiki
FaZe Clan is an American professional esports and entertainment organization founded in May 2010. They are the first international team to win a Global Offensive Major, doing so at PGL Major Antwerp 2022.
复旦夺冠,杨浦高校联盟系列赛CSGO项目决赛成功举办! - 武库 …
2023年9月19日 · 9月17日,由上海市体育局、上海市体育总会指导,杨浦区体育总会主办,完美世界电竞承办的“韵动杨浦·秀出来”高校联盟系列赛《反恐精英:全球攻势》项目决赛在上海市杨浦区完美世界电竞中心成功举办! 经过激烈角逐,复旦大学获得冠军,同济大学获得亚军,上海电力大学获得季军,上海财经大学获得殿军! 本次“韵动杨浦·秀出来”高校联盟系列赛《反恐精英:全球攻势》项目电竞比赛采用单败淘汰制,直邀8只杨浦地区的高校战队。 通过线上层层严格选拔, …
Fake clan_战队主页_5E对战平台 - 5EPlay旗下产品 - 亚洲专业CS竞 …
此处LOGO直接用于游戏比赛中记分条显示. 2. LOGO必须使用 格式,最大180x180像素的. 3. 对于不合规范的LOGO 5E编辑人员会给予修改或删除.
FaKe Clan Team - FACEIT.com
FaKe Clan - playing csgo. Go to FACEIT to connect with FaKe Clan and see the team members, game statistics and match history.
FaZe Clan // Official Website
You've reached the FaZe reboot page. That's called an error 404. Error: FC : 2010 : TO13YA13NS11RB11. One or more structural issues were detected that severely ...
FaKe Clan - Looking For Clan
We are FaKe Clan. We need players that are willing to play Fortnite, Rainbow Six Siege and CSGO. Fortnite K/D has to be over 1! Rainbow Ranked K/D has to be over 1! CS:GO Rank has to be Silver Elite or above! Go to this Discord Link: https://discord.gg/CsDxpS5.
FAKE Clan - YouTube
This is the official channel of FAKE, we are a Fortnite Clan and we plan to upload clips, gameplays, montages, and more. Stay tuned for more.