Was the Y2K Bug Real ... or a Hoax? - Discover Magazine
2023年5月29日 · At worst, Y2K was dismissed as an outright hoax, a source of needless stress, as well as a colossal waste of time and money, especially for those who bought expensive …
Year 2000 problem - Wikipedia
The term year 2000 problem, also commonly known as the year 2000 bug, Y2K problem, Y2K scare, millennium bug, Y2K bug, Y2K glitch, or Y2K error or simply Y2K, refers to potential …
The Y2K Disaster Scenarios Were a Hoax - Inc.com
2020年1月1日 · There were three explicit threads of reasoning behind the Y2K disaster scenarios: Catastrophic Y2K pre-testing. There had, according to numerous reports, been several roll-the …
Millennium bug - was it a myth? - BBC News
2018年8月6日 · So was the Y2K bug all a fuss about nothing? That is certainly the view of Sir Bernard Jenkin MP who has compared what he believes are exaggerated fears about a no …
The Glitch That Didn't Steal New Year's | Scientific American
2000年1月17日 · The Y2K fraud caused massive unnecessary psychological and emotional stress to untold individuals, especially the elderly who did not have a clue what to do but follow the …
Y2K: Looking back on the bug that wasn't - NPR
2024年12月27日 · Zachary Loeb, Purdue University assistant professor, tells NPR's Juana Summers that the real story of Y2k wasn't about computers run amok. It was about experts …
Y2K: People Still Think 1999's Biggest Tech Scare Was A Hoax
2019年2月5日 · Some people feared the worst: that a computer bug known as Y2K would launch nuclear missiles and cause planes to fall from the sky. Other people insisted that this thing …
Were there any false predictions or exaggerations about the Y2K …
2023年7月27日 · As the world approached the turn of the millennium, the Y2K bug, also known as the Millennium Bug or Y2K problem, became a global concern. The potential for computer …
Y2K - What Was Y2K - Year 2038 Problem - Popular Mechanics
2020年1月7日 · Because of the hard work of programmers over several years, much of what the general public was told about the Y2K crisis didn’t come to pass. This has caused ill-informed …
Y2K: Was it all a hoax? - ERC
2021年10月19日 · "Y2K was not a hoax or fake because people saw everything working on 1/1/2000. People tested their systems with 00 dates, and the systems stopped working." …