Faora Hu-Ul (Character) - Comic Vine
Faora Hu-Ul is a beautiful and dangerous Kryptonian woman who was imprisoned in The Phantom Zone for 300 years after she tortured and murdered 23 Kryptonian Men. After …
Faora vs Wonder Woman DCEU - Battles - Comic Vine
2017年7月14日 · Faora CAN'T Fly or more accurately never learned to fly! Doomsday CAN'T Fly or simply doesn't Fly, though he's irrelevant to this discussion. Zod didn't adapt quickly in the …
Faora Hu-Ul Comics - Comic Vine
Faora Hu-Ul is a beautiful and dangerous Kryptonian woman who was imprisoned in The Phantom Zone for 300 years after she tortured and murdered 23 Kryptonian Men. After …
Ursa VS Faora who was a better movie villain? - Comic Vine
2015年7月16日 · Faora at least, kicked ass, destroyed planes, and had a personality. All the things Ursa didn't do and hadn't. And looking at both of them, even the actress that played …
MCU Kurse VS DCEU Faora - Battles - Comic Vine
Faora stomps. Kryptonians in DCEU are confirmed above continental level in strenght and above nuke level in durability, Kurse is a building level like all MCU heavy hitters.
Homelander vs DCEU Faora - Battles - Comic Vine
2021年3月27日 · Faora-UlHomelanderWin by any meansBasic knowledgeIn characterStart 20 ft awayFight in Smallville
MCU Hulk VS DCEU Faora - Battles - Comic Vine
2018年1月21日 · Faora got tackled with a whopping 52,460 Newtons right to her abdomen, which translates to 11,793 pounds of force, almost 6 tons in a single strike. Before you say that that …
DCEU Faora vs MCU Hela - Battles - Comic Vine
2018年2月2日 · Faora threw Superman like a mile away, through several buildings and into a bank vault with enough force to dent several inch thick steel from that distance. Her armour …
MCU Kurse VS DCEU Faora and Nam ek - Battles - Comic Vine
He and faora together knocked him out that too because nam ek caught him by surprise. Kurse sends Thor just as far as nam ek does to superman. He seats away mijolnr like nothing.
Supes should have said " you Faora you are not technically part of evolutionary process because by definition is a natural process of changes through generations that result in adaptation to ...