FALTER中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
FALTER翻译:衰弱;动摇;犹豫;畏缩, 蹒跚;摇晃。 了解更多。
Normal life is at a standstill, and the economy is faltering... 正常生活陷于瘫痪,经济止步不前。 The car was out of sight around a bend in moments, but the engine did not falter or slow down... 汽车片刻间便转弯不见了踪影,但动力丝毫未减。 I have not faltered in my quest for a new future... 我对新的未来的追求从未动摇过。 As he neared the house his steps faltered. 当他走近房子时,脚步迟疑了起来。
FALTER | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
FALTER definition: 1. to lose strength or purpose and stop, or almost stop: 2. to move awkwardly as if you might…. Learn more.
FALTER中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 - Cambridge Dictionary
FALTER翻譯:衰弱;動搖;猶豫;畏縮, 蹣跚;搖晃。 了解更多。
FALTER 释义 | 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins Online Dictionary
If something falters, it loses power or strength in an uneven way, or no longer makes much progress. Normal life is at a standstill, and the economy is faltering. [VERB] The car was out of sight around a bend in moments, but the engine did not falter or slow down. [VERB] The faltering economy has affected the new party's popularity. [VERB -ing] 2.
欧路词典|英汉-汉英词典 falter是什么意思_falter的中文解释和发音_falter的翻译_falter …
There was a falter in his voice. 他的言语。 2. The marine never faltered in his duty. 那位海 陆战队士兵执行 务时从未 犹豫不决。 3. The manager never falters in his determination. 我们经理的决心从不 动摇。 4. He faltered and lost his chance again. "他 犹豫不决,又丧失了一次机会。 5. "Her voice faltered, and then she lost consciousness." "她 含糊不清 地 咕噜 了几声,接着便失去了知觉 …
FALTER——含义、同义词和翻译| 柯林斯英语词典资源
If something falters, it loses power or strength in an uneven way, or no longer makes much progress. Normal life is at a standstill, and the economy is faltering. [VERB] The car was out of sight around a bend in moments, but the engine did not falter or slow down. [VERB] The faltering economy has affected the new party's popularity. [VERB -ing] 2.
Falter - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
Falter means to hesitate, stumble, or waver, and everything from faith to voices can do it. So if you want to keep your bride or groom happy, it's best not to falter when it's your turn to say "I do." Experts may falter if you ask them where falter came from, because the origins are pretty unclear.
falter中文,falter的意思,falter翻譯及用法 - 英漢詞典
as the revolution started to falter in the 1990s, he says, the nuclear option offered a way to rally nationalist opinion and 「legitimate the regime」. 楚冰先生講道,隨著革命在20世紀90年代開始躊躇不前,核能項目為國家主義思想重整與政權的合法性提供了前提條件。 notably, the camera didn’t falter once, whirling and adapting to the changes with ease. 值得注意的是,整個游戲中,攝像機一次都沒有動搖,旋轉和對變化的適應都輕而易舉。
【英语单词】彻底解释“falter”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆 – お …
它的意思是 [由于失去动力或目的而停止或几乎停止]。 The dinner party conversation faltered for a moment. 晚宴上的谈话暂时停止了。 Her friends never faltered in their belief in her. 她的朋友们对她的信心从未动摇过。 Nickie’s voice faltered and he stopped speaking. 尼基的声音变得沙哑,不再说话了。 [动作笨拙,好像快要摔倒了] 用来表示。 The nurse saw him falter and made him lean on her. 护士见他心情不好,就让他靠在自己身上。