What is the user agent string for facebook app from android
2015年3月17日 · What is the user-agent string added when we open facebook app from an android mobile. I want to detect facebook app from android OS using user-agent string, is that achievable.
Is this a Facebook for iOS WebView User Agent?
Yes it is the iOS Facebook app.... The following is the user agent string from an iPhone 4s showing that it includes the correct device iPhone4,1
how does Facebook iOS app know the mobile carrier in its …
2017年8月1日 · Today I was analyzing User-Agents in WebViews on different iOS apps, like Facebook and Twitter. That's when you click a link in a post/tweet and it opens the in-app browser (still using the iOS br...
android - Decode facebook graphql body? - Stack Overflow
2021年5月14日 · I am trying to capture facebook https request from facebook android. I can capture requests, but their body is encoded and I cannot understand these informations in the request's body.
browser - How to read useragent details - Stack Overflow
User Agent string provide information on application type, operating system, software vendor / version and layout rendering engine.
mobile browser user-agent - Stack Overflow
2016年3月4日 · how to identify requests which are originating from Mobile App (Mobile application) and which are originating from the Mobile Browser (Any) ??? Lets say facebook can be accessed by facebook-app or...
Browser sending "Dalvik" as user agent - Stack Overflow
Android Browsers is sending Dalvik as the user agents in the request headers.. I am currently working on a mobile site having a simple login page that validates username and password then authorizes users profile.
How to detect Facebook in-app browser? - Stack Overflow
2015年7月22日 · Have you had any experience in Facebook in-app browser detection? What's the core difference in user agent? I don't want to know if it is a only mobile/ios/chrome. I need to know whether user agen...
Can I safely block Dalvik browser agent requests?
2016年7月6日 · This happens whenever a browser/WebView cannot render a particular server response (maybe it's a PDF, or a streaming server, or whatever) and then triggers an intent to the operating system to open another application.
javascript - Detect if device is iOS - Stack Overflow
2017年5月23日 · I'm wondering if it's possible to detect whether a browser is running on iOS, similar to how you can feature detect with Modernizr (although this is obviously device detection rather than feature