如图, BEF的内角∠EBF平分线BD与外角∠AEF的平分线交于点D, …
如图, BEF的内角∠EBF平分线BD与外角∠AEF的平分线交于点D,过D作DH∥BC分别交EF、EB于G、H两点.下列结论:①S EBD:S FBD=BE:BF;②∠EFD=∠CFD;③HD=HF;④BH …
如图,AF∥ CD,CB平分∠ ACD,BD平分∠ EBF,且BC⊥ BD,下列 …
根据垂直定义得出∠CBD=∠CBE+∠DBE=90°,根据角平分线定义得出∠DBE=12∠FBE,求出∠CBE=12∠ABE,∠ACB=∠ECB,根据平行线的性质得出∠ABC=∠ECB,根据平行线的判定得 …
Solved Using the figure below, ∠FBD is 50∘, which is true - Chegg
Question: Using the figure below, ∠FBD is 50∘, which is true regarding ∠EBF ? A ∠EBF=140∘ B ∠EBF=90∘ C ∠EBF=50∘ D ∠EBF=40∘
如图,B是线段AC上一点,已知∠1=∠E,∠2=∠D,且 BD⊥BE试说明 …
过点B作 BF∥AE ,因为 BF∥AE ,所以∠E=∠EBF.因为∠1=∠E,所以∠EBF=∠1.因为 BD⊥BE ,所以∠EBD=90°,所以∠1+∠2=180°-∠EBD=90°.而∠EBF+∠FBD=90°,又因为∠EBF=∠1,所 …
如图. BEF的内角∠EBF平分线BD与外角∠AEF的平分线交于点D.过D …
如图, BEF的内角∠EBF平分线BD与外角∠AEF的平分线交于点D,过D作DH∥BC分别交EF、EB于G、H两点.下列结论:①S EBD:S FBD =BE:BF;②∠EFD=∠CFD;③HD=HF;④BH …
Structural determination of functional domains in early B-cell …
2010年8月20日 · Further the EBF proteins contain an IPT/TIG domain and an atypical helix-loop-helix domain with a novel type of dimerization motif. The data presented here provide insights …
Hoidap247.com - Hỏi đáp online nhanh chóng, chính xác và luôn …
2021年3月4日 · Trên đường tròn (O;R) đặt liên tiếp các dây cung AB=BC=CD<R. AB cắt CD tại E. Tiếp tuyến tại B và D với đường tròn (O) cắt nhau tại F. Cmr: a) tam giác EBC đồng dạng …
I tried FBD, but it's not the correct answer. Propose an ... - Filo
2024年12月25日 · I tried FBD, but it's not the correct answer. Propose an efficient synthesis for the following transformation: solution, provide just one answer. Reagents in the correct order …
Early B cell factor: Regulator of B lineage specification and ...
2008年8月1日 · EBF drives B cell differentiation by activating the Pax5 gene and other genes required for the pre-B and B cell receptors. New evidence suggests that expression of EBF in …
10.如图1,在正方形ABCD中,点F为对角线BD上一点,FE⊥AB于点E,将 EBF绕点B …
12.如图1,在正方形ABCD中,点F为对角线BD上一点,FE⊥AB于点E,将 EBF绕点B逆时针旋转到图2所示的位置,连接AE、DF,则在图2中,有以下说 …
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