Everything You Need to Know about the F-35C - F-35 Lightning II
The F-35C is the first and world’s only long-range stealth strike fighter designed and built explicitly for Navy carrier operations. It’s configuration, embedded sensors, internal fuel and weapons capacity, aligned edges, and state of the art manufacturing processes all contribute to the F-35’s unique Very Low Observable stealth performance.
Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II - Wikipedia
The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is an American family of single-seat, single-engine, supersonic stealth strike fighters. A multirole combat aircraft designed for both air superiority and strike missions, it also has electronic warfare and intelligence, surveillance, and …
F-35A vs F-35B vs F-35C - Defence Street
2023年9月24日 · F-35A vs F-35B vs F-35C: The F-35 was initially developed with three main variants: the F-35A, designed for conventional take-off and landing (CTOL) operations primarily for the USAF and other air forces; the F-35B, a short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL) version suitable for land-based or aircraft carrier use, albeit with a slightly reduc...
F-35C Lightning II - Military.com
The F-35C Lightning II is the U.S. Navy’s first low-observable carrier-based aviation platform. The F-35 is being purchased to replace the F/A-18C/D Hornet as the carrier strike group’s...
Lockheed Martin Has Delivered The 100th F-35C
2024年12月20日 · Lockheed Martin announced the recent delivery of the 100th F-35C Lightning II fifth-generation fighter jet, marking a new milestone for the program after the delivery of the 1000th F-35 earlier...
F-35 Lightning II: Stealth Fighter Jet - Lockheed Martin
The F-35 is more than a fighter jet, it’s a powerful force multiplier with advanced sensors and communications suites operating close to the battlefield and from an elevated position significantly enhancing the capabilities of networked airborne, maritime, …
F-35C战机 - 百度百科
F-35C战机,有史以来第一种同时具备隐身和超音速飞行能力的海军用喷气式战斗机,是F-35“闪电II”联合攻击机的航母舰载型,F-35C的成本约6000万美元。 2009年7月28日, 美国 军工巨头洛克希德·马丁公司举行了首架F-35C舰载战斗机的下线庆典。 作为有史以来第一种同时具备隐身和超音速飞行能力的海军用战斗机,它的服役将令美国海军航空兵的战斗力发生巨大飞跃。 军方高官赞新机战力. 据美国海军官方网站7月29日报道,新机下线仪式在洛·马公司钢构总装车间内举 …
The Lockheed Martin F-35C Lightning II: Everything You Need To …
2023年12月25日 · The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II stands today as the most advanced and dynamic fighter aircraft to enter service with the United States armed forces. Three variants of the jet have been built since the aircraft first took to the skies back in 2006.
歼-35 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
歼-35 (缩写: J-35),其前身为技术验证机 FC-31 (代号: 鹘鹰) [5],是中华人民共和国的 第五代 隐形 多用途战机,由航空工业集团沈阳飞机设计研究所研制、中国航空工业集团沈飞公司生产,采用气动、结构与隐身一体化设计,是中国空军实现隐身与反隐身作战体系规模化的重要组成力量。 验证机FC-31项目最初完全由瀋陽飛機工業集團獨立出資研製設計的,並未獲得 中國人民解放軍 的撥款,故未使用“歼-XX”作定型号。 [6][7] 2024年11月12日 珠海航展 开幕, 中国人民 …
More than a fighter jet, the F-35’s ability to collect, analyze and share data, is a powerful force multiplier that enhances all airborne, surface and ground-based assets in the battlespace. With stealth designed in from day one, the F-35 has an unmatched ability to evade enemy detection and enter contested airspace.