Comptroller's Handbook: Fair Credit Reporting | OCC
This booklet focuses on guidance regarding banks subject to the Fair Credit Reporting Act as credit grantors, purchasers of dealer paper, issuers of credit cards, and employers. This booklet applies to the OCC's supervision of national banks.
Leveraged Lending: Guidance on Leveraged Lending | OCC
2013年3月22日 · The OCC has updated 2001 guidance on Leveraged Lending to reflect tremendous growth in the volume of leveraged credit.
Comptroller's Handbook: Model Risk Management | OCC
The booklet presents the concepts and general principles of model risk management, and aligns with the principles laid out in "Supervisory Guidance on Model Risk Management" conveyed by OCC Bulletin 2011-12. Examiners can use it as a guide in performing consistent, high-quality model risk management examinations.
Fair Credit Reporting Act | OCC
This fact sheet provides an overview of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) which promotes the accuracy, fairness, and privacy of consumer information in the files of credit reporting agencies. This publication also provides the key protections and requirements of FCRA and other resources, including how to request assistance or file a complaint.
CVPR 2023 Occupancy Chanllenge冠军方案FB-OCC解读 - 知乎
本篇文章旨在对 FB-OCC 方案进行简单的解读,希望能给大家带来帮助,也欢迎大家点赞转发,评论区留言讨论。 现有方法. 基于不同传感器的occupancy解决方案
量产车上,为什么BEV和Occ对自动驾驶如此重要? - 知乎
2024年1月20日 · 中国未来很可能成为全球最大的自动驾驶市场,预计至2030年,中国自动驾驶相关的新车销售及出行服务创收将超过3.58万亿元。 在众多的自动驾驶方案中,基于 BEV 感知的算法以其模态融合简易、优化方式简单,无疑成为当前自动驾驶技术风向标之一,在未来几年甚至更长一段时间内影响工业界和学术界。 关注知乎 @自动驾驶之心,第一时间获取自动驾驶感知/定位/融合/规控等行业最新内容. 说到BEV,其实更多是一个宏观上的叫法,参考鸟瞰图的思路。 …
Acting Comptroller of the Currency | OCC
2025年2月10日 · As Acting Comptroller of the Currency, Mr. Hood is the administrator of the federal banking system and chief executive officer of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). The OCC ensures that the federal banking system operates in a safe and sound manner, provides fair access to financial services, treats customers fairly, and ...
Every day millions of children are cared for in home-based or family child care (FCC)—child care provided within a caregiver’s home.
Supervision and Examination Publications | OCC - Office of the ...
2025年3月10日 · Supervision and examination publications provide guidance to examiners as they work to ensure the safety and soundness of the national banking system and information to bankers and the general public on the bank supervision process.
OCC的架构功能介绍以及插入 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
片上时钟控制器 (On-chip Clock Controllers ,OCC),也称为扫描时钟控制器 (Scan Clock Controllers,SCC)。 OCC 是插在SoC上的逻辑电路。 在ATE(自动测试设备)上对芯片做ATPG测试时,OCC用于控制内部scan flip-flop时钟。 OCC电路可以实现ate clock和function clock之间的切换,并且控制在什么时刻跳转。 所以standard的OCC在设计时需要拥有三个主要功能: clock selection, clock chopping control and clock gating。 这里我们会介绍一 …