[Fe (Ox)3]3- complex as a photodegradation agent at neutral pH ...
2018年3月1日 · In the present work advances and limitations in the application of Fe (III)-oxalate complexes (namely, [Fe (Ox) 3] 3-) to the photodegradation of a model persistent organic contaminant - 2,4-dichlorophenoxybutanoic acid (2,4-DB) in neutral aqueous solutions were systematically investigated for the first time.
Ferric oxalate - Wikipedia
Ferric oxalate, also known as iron (III) oxalate, refers to inorganic compounds with the formula Fe2(C2O4)3 (H 2 O) x but could also refer to salts of [Fe (C2O4)3]3-. Fe2(C2O4)3 (H 2 O) x are coordination polymers with varying degrees of hydration.
[Fe(Ox)<sub>3</sub> ] <sup>3-配合</sup>物在中性pH下作 …
Efficiency of Fe (Ox) 3− system normalized to UVA absorption at the excitation wavelength is practically independent on [Fe (III)]. Thus, it is highly probable that concentrations of Fe (III) as low as < 10 −5 M could be applied in water treatment procedures using …
[Fe (Ox)3]3- complex as a photodegradation agent at neutral pH ...
2018年3月1日 · Highlights • Advances and limitations of [Fe (Ox) 3] 3- complex as a photodegradation agent at neutral pH were found. • Optimal conditions for the photodegradation of persistent organic contaminant 2,4-DB were determined. • Fe (Ox) 33− system keeps high initial efficiency at low concentrations of both pollutant and the complex. •
Toward a better understanding of ferric-oxalate complex photolysis: The ...
2022年2月1日 · In this work, the photo reactivity of ferric oxalate (Fe (III)-Ox) complex in atmospheric particles was investigated. Raman spectroscopy was used to explore the mechanism and kinetics of Fe (III)-Ox photolysis occurring at the aqueous/gas interface, inside the …
[Fe(ox)3]3- - ChemTube3D
Organic Chemistry Animations Introduction. Nucleophilic Addition to C=O. Borohydride reduction. Cyanide addition. Hemiacetal formation. Organometallic reagents. Grignard addition. Organolithium addition. Diastereoselective ketone reduction. Nucleophilic Substitution at C=O. Ester hydrolysis and transesterification.
[FeOH] 2+和 [Fe(Ox)3] 3-复合物光解中除草剂2,4-二氯苯氧基丁 …
在 [FeOH]情况下, [FeOH](2+)和 [Fe(Ox)3](3-)体系的长时间光解导致2,4-DB完全降解,而除草剂及其芳香族产品几乎完全矿化。 在 [Fe(Ox)3](3-)光解的情况下,FeOH](2+)的光解作用和某些持久性芳香族产物的积累。
[Fe (Ox) 3 ] 3- complex as a photodegradation agent at neutral pH ...
2017年12月1日 · In the present work advances and limitations in the application of Fe (III)-oxalate complexes (namely, [Fe (Ox)3]3-) to the photodegradation of a model persistent organic contaminant -...
[Fe (Ox)3]3- complex as a photodegradation agent at neutral pH ...
In the present work advances and limitations in the application of Fe (III)-oxalate complexes (namely, [Fe (Ox) 3] 3-) to the photodegradation of a model persistent organic contaminant - 2,4-dichlorophenoxybutanoic acid (2,4-DB) in neutral aqueous solutions were systematically investigated for the first time.
[Fe (Ox)3]3- complex as a photodegradation agent at neutral pH ...
Photochemical redox reactions of Fe (III) complexes of polycarboxylates (e.g., citrate, malonate, oxalate) occur on time scales of minutes in sunlight and are potentially important sources of Fe (II),…