基于MOF构筑非键合的近邻Fe-Ni单原子对用于高效电催化CO2还原 …
2021年11月25日 · 近日,中国科学技术大学江海龙教授(点击查看介绍)课题组提出了一种Zn辅助原子化策略(ZAAS),成功将Fe和Ni单原子引入到MOF衍生的氮掺杂碳,构筑了具有近邻非成键Fe-Ni原子对 (single-atom pairs) 的 Fe 1-Ni 1-N-C中。首先通过静电相互作用将Fe掺杂ZnO (Fe-ZnO) 和Ni掺杂ZnO ...
K-Edge XANES Investigation of Fe-Based Oxides by Density …
2021年11月18日 · Here, comprehensive first-principles calculations of X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra of a series of Fe-based catalysts and battery electrodes, including FeO, Fe 2 O 3, Fe(OH) 2, FeOOH, FeAl 2 O 4, and MFeO 2 (M = Li, Na, or K), were performed to shed light on the issue by dissecting the dependence of XANES line shapes on ...
Construction and identification of highly active single-atom Fe
2023年4月1日 · To unveil the structural nature of the Fe centers of the catalysts for NO 3 RR, element-selective x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy including x-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) and extend x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) at the Fe K-edge (1 s → 4p) was employed to explore the local atomic and geometric ...
The Fe K-edge X-ray absorption study of the local structure of …
2017年6月1日 · In the present paper we report the results of Fe K-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) study of the local structure of BFN. We analyzed both the X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS), which contain information on the valence state, local symmetry of Fe atoms and the atomic ...
XAFS and XRD study on Fe, Ni, and Ge in iron meteorite NWA …
2021年2月18日 · In this study, a series of techniques, including X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and XAFS spectroscopy, were applied to Fe, Ni, and Ge in the iron meteorite NWA 859 to understand its crystallographic, chemical, and textural properties.
上海交大邹建新教授团队发文:通过同步辐射X射线吸收谱研究富 …
2024年7月8日 · MOFs具有不同的化学成分和结构组分可调控,有利于调节Fe、Co和Ni基MOFs电子能带结构,提升其OER催化性能。 本文通过共沉积法合成了二茂铁基MOFs(Ni-Fc MOFs)材料。
X‐Ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy in Fe Oxides …
2016年4月29日 · X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (XAFS) is a local probe, element-specific technique that provides the electronic nature and the local structure around the absorber atom. In this chapter, we present a brief introduction to XAFS technique, both in the near edge, X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) and the extended X-ray ...
Fe K-edge XAFS spectra of phyllosilicates of varying crystallinity
2012年7月5日 · In this paper, we use Fe K-edge XAFS spectroscopy to study Fe speciation and distribution in poorly crystalline minerals. XAFS spectroscopy analyzes two spectral regions: the X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) and extended X …
Identifying the impact of the covalent-bonded carbon matrix to …
2022年1月10日 · Basing on the closed π conjugated phthalocyanine-based intrinsic covalent organic polymers (COPs) with well-designed structures, we directly synthesized a series of atomically dispersed Fe-N-C ...
In situ XANES and EXAFS Analysis of Redox Active Fe Center …
2015年12月10日 · In situ X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy (XANES) and Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) techniques are applied to a metal center ionic liquid undergoing oxidation and reduction in a three electrode spectroscopic cell.