FE-13™ Fire Suppressant - Chemours
FE-13™ fire suppressant is the preferred solution in total flooding and interting applications with very low temperatures and high extinguishing concentrations.
FE-13 Fire Suppression | ORR Protection Systems
FE-13 is a high-pressure clean agent manufactured by DuPont. The agent leaves no residue when discharged in a fire or non-fire situation. FE-13 efficiently suppresses fires by the process of physiochemical thermal transfer. The presence of the FE-13 molecule at the flame front absorbs heat from the fire as a sponge absorbs liquid.
昇揚消防工程顧問有限公司--套裝型 (FE-13&HFC-227ea)自動滅火 …
FE-13 TM 滅火藥劑為一無色、無味並以液體狀態儲存於鋼瓶中,其滅火原理,主要是利用抑制作用。 在FE-13 TM 藥劑放射後,鹵素受熱分解,而與可燃物燃燒時所產生H、OH等自由基進行化學反應,而消除火場中之自由基,進而達到抑制或阻斷正常燃燒時的之連鎖反應,並令火焰熄滅、燃燒中斷。 FE-13 TM 套裝型自動滅火設備可適用於工作人員常駐的防護區。 一般而言,其設計濃度為16.1%~24% 之範圍,藥劑放射後氧濃度約為16%~18%。 藥劑放射必須於10秒內達到最 …
Fluoroform - Wikipedia
When used as a fire suppressant, the fluoroform carries the DuPont trade name, FE-13. CHF3 is recommended for this application because of its low toxicity, its low reactivity, and its high density.
FE-13™ 灭火剂 - Chemours
FE-13™ 灭火剂是全淹没和惰化应用的首选解决方案,因为: 在现有的洁净灭火剂中,FE-13™ 毒性极低,对身处保护区域的人员无害。 对于需要高浓度灭火剂的应用而言,它是理想的选择,同时不会危及使用者的安全。 FE-13™ 洁净灭火剂可保护高价值资产并保持业务连续性。 FE-13™: ©2025 科慕公司版权所有。 Chemours™、Courageous Chemistry™及相关标志是科慕公司的商标。 沪ICP备19032742号-2. FE-13™ 灭火剂是超低温和高灭火浓度的全淹没和惰化应用的首选 …
Kidde HFC-23 ( FE-13 ) | Suppression Systems
In response to the production phase out of Halon fire extinguishants, Kidde is now offering FE-13 (trifluo-romethane) for applications requiring immediate availability of a clean, environmentally acceptable, and human compatible fire extinguishing agent.
FE-13 Fire Suppression Systems - Reliable Fire & Security
FE-13 is one of the industry’s best replacements for Halon. (Halon 1301 was banned in 1993 because of its ozone depleting properties.) This unique agent provides its own source of propellant with a high vapor pressure. FE-13 helps to extinguish the fire by absorbing the heat and preventing further chemical reactions.
FE-13™ Fire Extinguishing Agent (HFC-23) - BFPE International
FE-13™ is the preferred Halon 1301 replacement in total flooding and inerting applications where its low toxicity provides for improved safety margins, the protected space is large (approved for nozzle heights up to 25 feet), the cylinder storage area is remote from the protected space, or where the temperature range is extreme -40F (-40C) to ...
As a fire extinguishing agent, HFC-23 is referred to as FE-13TM, a trademark of Chemours. It is intended to replace Halon 1301 in total flooding and inerting applications. FE-13TM is a safe, clean, and electrically nonconductive agent and is suited for use in applications requiring clean, environmentally acceptable and humanly compatible ...
Product Information Medical Emergency Transport Emergency : DuPontTM FE-13® fire extinguishing agent HFC-23 : Fluoroform HFC-23 R23 FE-13 Trifluoromethane : Fire extinguishing agent, For industrial use only. : Do not use product for anything outside of the above specified uses : DuPont 1007 Market Street Wilmington, DE 19898 United States of ...
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