Sintering and agglomeration of Fe2O3-MgAl2O4 oxygen carriers …
2020年4月1日 · Fe 2 O 3 -based chemical looping combustion can be combined with steam-iron reaction and dry reform of methane for high-value-added products if Fe 2 O 3 is deeply reduced. However, the deactivation caused by sintering and agglomeration worsens, which is an essential issue to be solved.
Dopant-Enhanced harmonization of α-Fe2O3 oxygen
2024年2月1日 · Ni-doping in Fe 2 O 3 has been confirmed to enhance the formation rate and the selectivity of CO. The rate-matching between oxygen migration and surface catalytic reaction of oxygen carrier (OC) is a critical determinant for the reaction selectivity of the chemical looping reforming (CLR) of methane.
Theoretical insights into the oxygen supply performance of α-Fe2O3 …
2022年11月23日 · To study the oxygen migration properties of OCs and the matching problem of oxygen migration rate with the surface catalytic reaction rate, we present a theoretical study by taking the abundant and cheap α-Fe 2 O 3 as the model OC.
α-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles as Oxygen Carriers for Chemical Looping ...
2018年6月17日 · Through continuous flow reactor experiments, materials characterization, and theoretical calculations, we provide new insights into the reduction of hematite (α-Fe 2 O 3) nanoparticles by methane (CH 4) during chemical looping combustion (CLC).
Ni-Promoted Fe2O3/Al2O3 for Enhanced Hydrogen Production …
2023年8月16日 · In this work, we propose several Ni-promoted Fe 2 O 3 /Al 2 O 3 to generate hydrogen via chemical looping methane reforming and investigated the origin for the promoted redox performance; 10 wt % NiO–Fe 2 O 3 /Al 2 O 3 shows high CH 4 conversion (96%), H 2 yield (3.3 mmol/g), and low carbon deposition (0.093 mmol/g).
Methane Dissociation on α-Fe2O3(0001) and Fe3O4(111) …
2019年2月20日 · Here, we use DFT + U methodology to obtain an atomistic picture of the surface transformations and chemical reactions that take place during the initial dissociation of methane into CH 3 and H on hematite α-Fe 2 O 3 (0001) and magnetite Fe 3 O 4 (111) surfaces at the beginning of the CLC process.
Coupling acid catalysis and selective oxidation over MoO3-Fe2O3 …
2023年4月11日 · This work describes the coupling of surface acid catalysis and selective oxidation from lattice oxygen over MoO3-Fe2O3 redox catalysts for promoted propylene production.
Fe2O3, a cost effective and environmentally friendly catalyst for …
Fe 2 O 3 is found to be a cost-effective and environmentally friendly catalyst for chemical looping generation of NH 3 – a future fuel. The optimal Fe 2 O 3 loading on nitrogen carriers, AIN, is 5 wt%. Fe 2 O 3 can reduce the activation energy of the N …
α-Fe2O3 as a versatile and efficient oxygen atom transfer ... - Nature
2021年8月9日 · In this work, we report that α-Fe 2 O 3 can serve as an effective heterogeneous OAT photocatalyst in PEC systems. Different transformations, which include sulfoxidation, C=C epoxidation, the...
Enhanced sintering resistance of Fe2O3/CeO2 oxygen
2019年3月8日 · Fe 2 O 3 @CeO 2 exhibited significantly enhanced sintering resistance. Fe 2 O 3 @CeO 2 showed much higher activity and stability than the composite Fe 2 O 3 /CeO 2. Fe 2 O 3 @CeO 2 prevented the outward migration of Fe cations from the bulk to surface. CeO 2 shell facilitated oxygen mobility between the Fe 2 O 3 core and the shell surface.