Ligand effects on thiols protected iron nanoclusters towards ...
Jan 1, 2024 · We report, the tailoring of surface ligands protected ultrasmall FeNCs using different thiols GSH, MPA and MPS respectively. • Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) technique was employed to separate individual FeNCs using m/z ratio.. Particle size achieved for FeGSH, FeMPA and FeMPS NCs were in the range of 1–8 nm, 1–5 nm, and 1–12 nm respectively.
GIFeGSH A New Genomic Island Might Explain the Differences in …
The lacking genes of genomic island GI FeGSH are mainly coding for iron uptake enzymes and parts of the glutathione pathway.
为了了解表面配体对所制备的 FeNC(即 FeGSH、FeMPA 和 FeMPS NC)的作用,通过光物理和生物成像研究对其进行了表征。 HRTEM 和 AFM 结果证实这些 FeGSH、FeMPA 和 FeMPS NC 的平均尺寸范围为 1-6 nm。 GSH 的不同功能和稳健性,MPA 和 MPS 保护在这些单独的 FeNC 上,导致 FeGSH、FeMPA 和 FeMPS NC 的可调量子产率分别为 5.6%、5.8% 和 2.1%。 此外,还利用 MCF-7 乳腺癌细胞系研究了这三种 FeNC 的细胞活力和荧光显微镜分析。
An ultra-small fluorescence zero-valent iron ... - ScienceDirect
Jul 1, 2023 · In this work, a novel ultra-small zero-valent iron nanoclusters (usZVIN) was synthesized by one-step reduction in aqueous solutions, which exhibited bright red fluorescence at 616 nm. Interestingly, the usZVIN displayed an excellent selectively antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria, and little effects on Gram-negative bacteria.
(PDF) GI<sub>FeGSH</sub>: A New Genomic Island Might …
Jan 1, 2017 · The lacking genes of genomic island GIFeGSH are mainly coding for iron uptake enzymes and parts of the glutathione pathway.
Further analysis indicated that the genome of B. canis SVA10 is smaller com- pared to genomes of the same species. A 35,781 bp genomic island (GI) was found to be absent in strain SVA10 which was detected by read mapping the paired reads to the genome of B. canis ATCC 23,365T. The lacking genes of genomic island GI. FeGSH.
FEG-SH力控电动强磨机1-【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】-铸采 …
铸采购(网址)为您提无锡盈连科技有限公司相关的公司及产品信息介绍,囊括了FEG-SH力控电动强磨机1价格、厂家、图片、使用说明等参数。 想了解更加全面的FEG-SH力控电动强磨机1及无锡盈连科技有限公司的信息就上铸采购。
GI FeGSH : A New Genomic Island Might Explain the Differences in ...
The lacking genes of genomic island GIFeGSH are mainly coding for iron uptake enzymes and parts of the glutathione pathway.
GI&lt;sub&gt;FeGSH&lt;/sub&gt;: A New …
Mentioning: 3 - An imported dog was confirmed to be positive with canine brucellosis in Sweden in 2010. The whole genome of Brucella canis SVA10 was subjected to phage analysis (WGS-PA) and was assigned to the Asian B. canis cluster. Further analysis indicated that the genome of B. canis SVA10 is smaller compared to genomes of the same species. A 35,781 bp genomic island (GI) was found to be ...
Ligand effects on thiols protected iron nanoclusters towards ...
Jan 1, 2024 · To understand the role of surface ligands on as prepared FeNCs (namely FeGSH, FeMPA and FeMPS NCs) was characterized by photophysical and bioimaging studies. The …