TEM Imaging | Transmission Electron Microscopy | Thermo …
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is a high-resolution imaging technique in which a beam of electrons passes through a thin sample to produce an image. The electron beam is impacted by the sample’s thickness/density, composition and, in some cases, crystallinity.
FEI Company - Wikipedia
FEI Company (Field Electron and Ion Company) was an American company that designed, manufactured, and supported microscope technology. Headquartered in Hillsboro, Oregon, FEI had over 2,800 employees and sales and service operations in …
FEI公司 - 百度百科
FEI Titan S/TEM 产品系列 包括全球功能最强大的商用 S/TEM: Titan 80-300、Titan Krios™、Titan3™ 和 Titan ETEM(环境 TEM)。 所有 Titans 均使用 革命性 的 80-300 kV 电子镜筒,通过 TEM 和 STEM 模式在各种材料和 操作条件 下进行亚埃级原子尺度的发现和探索。
Electron Microscopy | Thermo Fisher Scientific - US
Electron microscopes fire electrons and create images, magnifying micrometer and nanometer structures by up to ten million times, providing a spectacular level of detail, even allowing researchers to view single atoms.
FEI公司简介 - 赛默飞电子显微镜(原FEI) - 分析测试百科网
2015年10月2日 · FEI Titan S/TEM 产品系列包括全球功能最强大的商用 S/TEM: Titan 80-300、Titan Krios™、Titan3™ 和 Titan ETEM(环境 TEM)。 所有 Titans 均使用革命性的 80-300 kV 电子镜筒,通过 TEM 和 STEM 模式在各种材料和操作条件下进行亚埃级原子尺度的发现和探索。
Tecnai F20 TEM, formerly produced by FEI | Center for Electron ...
The Tecnai F20 microscope is a field emission 200kV S/TEM with an X-TWIN objective lens and high brightness field emission electron gun (FEG) optimized for analytical work. This objective lens allows a 40 degree tilt with a standard low-background double tilt holder and, with the tomography holder, allows +/-70 degrees of tilt.
TEM: FEI Tecnai Transmission Electron Microscope
The FEI Tecnai G2 F20 X-TWIN Transmission Electron Microscope has a field-emission gun (FEG) for high brightness and coherency, STEM imaging with both EDS and EELS analytical analysis capabilities, and CCD camera for standard TEM imaging.
FEI TEM Operation Manuals - globalsino.com
Want to discuss advanced EM techniques for failure analysis in semiconductors, and more? Click Here. TEM Operation Procedure. Microscope Alignments. Load a TEM holder into a microscope. Remove a TEM holder from a microscope. Shut down a microscope. Microscope Interface. Fill the Dewar flask with liquid nitrogen (LN2).
FEI Tecnai T12 Transmission Electron Microscope
A transmission electron microscope (TEM) with an operating voltage range of 20 to 120 kV. Capabilities include magnifications of thin samples (<200 nm) up to 700,000 times, an energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) system, a Gatan MSC794 CCD camera for digital image acquisition, and a video camera for video-rate recording at moderate ...
Titan 80-300 TEM - Electron Imaging Center for Nanosystems
The FEI Titan family currently offers the Titan 80-300 TEM, the world’s most powerful, commercially-available scanning transmission electron microscope. Titan is the next generation of a unique 80-300 kV range microscope with 1.34 Angstrom resolution.