TEM: FEI Titan Environmental Transmission Electron Microscope
In this research, the FEI Titan TEM was used to study quantum plasmon resonancesof individual metallic nanoparticles. Applied techniques include aberration-corrected TEM imaging and monochromated scanning TEM electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS).
仪器介绍——球差校正电镜(FEI Titan 80-300 ) - 知乎专栏
球差校正 透射电镜 (spherical aberration corrected Transmission Electron Microscope: ACTEM)随着 纳米材料 的兴起而进入普通研究者的视野。 超高的分辨率配合诸多的分析组件使ACTEM成为深入研究纳米世界不可或缺的利器。 100 kV的电子束的0.037埃,而普通TEM的电分辨率仅仅为0.8纳米。 这主要是由TEM中 磁透镜 的像差造成的。 球差即为球面像差,是透镜像差中的一种。 其他的三种主要像差为:像散、彗形像差和色差。 透镜系统,无论是光学透镜还是电磁透镜,都 …
双球差透射电子显微镜 . 发布时间:2021-03-23 点击数: 主要性能指标. 型号:FEI Titan Cubed G2 300. 安装时间:2017年5月. 安放地点:清华大学工物馆. STEM/HAADF分辨率:0.06 nm(300kV)、0.13 nm (60kV) TEM极限分辨率:0.056 nm(300kV)、0.10 nm (60kV)...
Titan 80-300 TEM - Electron Imaging Center for Nanosystems
The FEI Titan family currently offers the Titan 80-300 TEM, the world’s most powerful, commercially-available scanning transmission electron microscope. Titan is the next generation of a unique 80-300 kV range microscope with 1.34 Angstrom resolution.
NanoFab Tool: FEI Titan 80-300 Analytical Transmission Electron ...
2014年5月19日 · The FEI Titan 80-300 scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) is an advanced analytical field emission scanning transmission electron microscope capable of atomic-level imaging and analysis on a wide range of materials and nanostructures.
Titan 60-300 TEM, formerly produced by FEI - Center for Electron ...
The image-corrected Titan 3 ™ G2 60-300 S/TEM provides superior performance, stability, and flexibility when utilizing the C s image-corrector and electron monochromator technology for atomic resolution imaging and spectroscopy. The system provides flexibility of operating voltages at 60, 160 and 300 kV.
FEI Titan Krios | Cryo-Electron Microscopy Facility | The Huck ...
The FEI Titan Krios is an instrument that realizes the revolutionary developments in cryo-EM leading to the “resolution revolution” that allows atomic resolution maps of biological objects with low or no symmetry.
FEI Titan S/TEM 系列包括全球功能最强大的商用 S/TEM: Titan G2 60-300、Titan3 G2 60-300、Titan Krios 和 Titan ETEM (环境 TEM)。 所有 Titans 均使用革命性的 60-300 kV 电子镜筒,通过 TEM 和 STEM 模式在各种材料和工作条件下进行亚原子级的探索和研究。
Titan Themis TEM透射电镜 Titan Themis - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年9月26日 · FEI's aberration-corrected Themis Z scanning transmission electron microscope (S/TEM) combine's proven optics and new, breakthrough S/TEM imaging capability with enhanced automation software to put the ultimate imaging performance in the hands of all materials scientists.
3 天之前 · FEI Titan系列产品是FEI的明星系列,自2005年推出,包括有Titan G2 60-300,Titan3 G2 60-300,Titan Krios和Titan ETEM (环境透射电镜)。 该系列产品以其具有突破性的稳定优异的性能获得了商业上的巨大成功。