Leo Cristophe | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
General Leo Cristophe is a temporary playable character in Final Fantasy VI. He is the top general of the Gestahlian Empire and one of Emperor Gestahl's most trusted men. Leo is a man of honor and morals and prefers to settle conflicts with diplomacy rather than bloodshed, winning him respect from allies and enemies alike, but putting him ...
General Leo - Wikipedia
Leo Cristophe (Japanese: レオ・クリストフ, Hepburn: Reo Kurisutofu) more commonly referred to as General Leo, is a character introduced in the 1994 role-playing video game Final Fantasy VI by Square Enix. An honorable soldier in the game's Gestahlian Empire that refused the magical energy infusion given to his compatriots, he appears in ...
Leo Cristophe - Heroes Wiki | Fandom
General Leo Cristophe is a temporary playable character in Final Fantasy VI. He is a noble and honorable man who fights for what he believes in. General Leo is the finest swordsman in the Gestahlian Empire, and one of Emperor Gestahl's most trusted men.
FINAL FANTASY VI General Discussions - Steam Community
2021年8月20日 · If you want to add Leo to your party, download a FF6 editor and replace one of the normal members' data and sprites with Leo's.
请问各位大佬,ff6人物属性问题 - 百度贴吧
网上相关攻略较少,不论是升级还是装备加力量,体力,魔力。 攻击力,防御力也没有提升,所以我也看不出来有什么效果。 目前最高等级24级,最低18级。 另外加魔力,体力,力量对应的是啥,我的理解是加蓝加魔攻,加生命值,加攻击力,不知道对不对? 请问各位大佬,ff6..请问大佬,最近我也在steam玩FF6,但是我对每个角色练什么幻兽晶石属性,一脸懵逼,谁主体力,谁主魔力(网上说马修的最后一招,和魔力有关)。 网上相关攻略较少,不论是升级还是装备加 …
Final Fantasy VI - the General Leo Edition : r/snes - Reddit
2022年4月19日 · Has anyone here ever played the Final Fantasy VI version where Leo remains alive at the expense of Shadow dying in the end of World of Balance. I actually have a cart of this but strangely have not met anyone who has played it.
最终幻想VI - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《Final Fantasy VI: 互動CG游戏》( Final Fantasy VI: The Interactive CG Game ,又称“最终幻想SGI示範”,是在《Final Fantasy VII》尚未發表時,由史克威尔使用《最终幻想VI》角色与设定制作的短篇遊戲試作版。
最终幻想VI - 最终幻想中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技 …
《最终幻想6》(FINAL FANTASY VI 简称FF6)是日本史克威尔于1994年4月2日于SUPER Famicom平台推出的RPG游戏,定价11400日元(不含税),是《最终幻想》唯一一部售价超过一万日元的作品。本作是《最终幻想》系登陆SUPER Famicom平台的第三部,也是最后一部作品。
专题首页-最终幻想6(Final Fantasy VI)(FF6)-FFSKY天幻网专题 …
GBA版《最终幻想6A》完全汉化版终于完成,所有菜单字体、道具技能全面汉化,弥补了10年来FF6只有剧情汉化版的遗憾。 本专题针亦对汉化版大幅更新,人物技能、魔法、武器、防具、道具、饰品、地名、幻兽等资料全面对应汉化版!
How to (semi) legitimately get General Leo back : r/FinalFantasyVI - Reddit
2021年2月8日 · With all that long-winded background out of the way, here's the modified steps of how to get Leo back in the World of Ruin: Start a new game and play as normal until you get to Figaro Castle.
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