fresh fruit bunch (FFB) will be manually transferred into the bin. Currently, manual FFB loading involves picking up bunches with an iron spike and dropping them into a 1-1.5 m height bin (Figure 1). Multiple handlings will increase the overall time taken and lower the FFB quality. Workers are also prone to fatigue when handling big bunches.
It is a motorized hydrau- lic loader. It is powered by a diesel engine which runs a hydraulic pump that activates hydraulic cylinders to unload the FFB and loose fruits into a bin. It will then unload the FEB and loose fruits from the bin into a mainline transporter that carries the FFB to the mill.
13. Crabbie – collecting fresh fruit bunches (FFB) in the oil palm ...
The bin carries the FFB and is manually tipped for unloading. Besides carrying FFB, the machine can be used to carry other things such as herbicide and for fertilizer application.
The Bin system unit is a system for transporting FFB harvested from the TPH to the palm oil mill for processing. The system consists of two transport vehicles and a bin. The first transport vehicle is Scissor Lift, and the second is Prime Mover [19]. The price amount is one of the essential considerations for consumers in
Development of a harvesting and transportation machine for …
2020年7月1日 · Harvesting and transportation represent a substantial proportion of the labor cost of a plantation. Additionally, it involves continuous production of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) by oil palm to the difficulty in mechanizing process that depends very much on skilled observations.
Solution – Binsho Solutions
Our solution complements your FFB supplier management by offering immediate feedback loop to the FFB sellers to prompt immediate corrections. With no more limitations to office hours grading, sellers can send their crops in whenever it is available, avoiding delay in FFBs delivery, maximizing the value of the FFBs.
A Review of the In-Field Transporting Machines Currently Used in …
The MPOB later developed a mechanical loader for the oil palm field called Grabbie (Fig. 1-C) which uses a hydraulic arm to load the FFBs from the ground and is able to lift 50 kg weight. Grabbie productivity is 15-25 tons per day. The bin capacity of this machine is one ton, and it can work between oil palm trees aged less than 11 years.
TT No. 75: Mobile Ramp – For Mainline Loading of Oil Palm Fresh …
Mainline loading of oil palm fresh fruit bunches (FFB) is either done manually or mechanically. Methods currently practised by estates include: manual loading; Net system loading (KULIM system) Platform ramp loading; High-lift infield trailer loading; Huka/Hook-lift concept loading
A Review of the In-Field Transporting Machines Currently Used in …
2021年8月20日 · It highlights the field conditions, the capacity of the machines and the time of completion of the transporting process which help to identify the determinants of the development of agricultural...
TDMP 17/21 - FFB LOADING BIN 8 METRIC TONNE 1. SPESIFIKASI FFB Loading Bin 8 Metric Tonne Body 3mm MS Plate Floor Board 4mm MS Plate Dimension 4825 mm L X 2300 mm W X 1200 mm H 15.83 ft L X 7.55 ft W X 3.94 ft H Chasis Frame Steel Channel 175 mm X 64mm X 7mm thk. 6.89" X 2.5" X 1/4" Floor Frame Steel Channel 100 mm X 50 mm &38mm X 64mm