约 3 个结果

What is the best keeper mix? FFDDG, FFFDG, FFDDD?
2014年9月17日 · I'm having trouble finding a consensus on the best mix to use with my 5 keepers in a points-only league. Do I go FFFDD, FFFDG, FFDDG? If I drafted right now, I think I would have to go with 2F, 2D and 1G but if I wasn't in a keeper league, I doubt I would draft that mix in my first 5 rounds.
[2018-06-22] Challenge #364 [Hard] Tiling with Pentominos
2018年6月22日 · Description. Have you ever seen one of those puzzles where you have to try and fit a collection of various shapes into a certain area?
Well done for finding us : r/A859FD9AZ9 - Reddit
2021年5月8日 · oVeIq cEwTb tJfJb cAlPz aXdLm yHkVx cWzXd fGhHf sLeBz iNkTp oRwVt uQiMb dCtGu dMoDd wEtCg wLkTz hLcOy oErZv mYjQg cTvYy gKeVc yAdQd pKxGq gArYw iCgYx…