When to Use FFg vs. FFFg - The Muzzleloading Forum
2008年5月23日 · As a general rule, a good target load can be established by starting with a grain weight charge equal to rifle's caliber ( eg 50 grains of FFG for a 50 caliber rifle). To find an …
What is the difference between FFG and FFFG powder?
2021年8月17日 · FFG is "good" quality medium grain rifle/musket powder. FFFG is finer grain, better suited for long rifle muzzle loads and can be used for ignition loads in a flintlock pan …
Find a blackpowder dealer in your area — The NMLRA
GOEX has a nationwide network of dealers and distributors to help you get a hold of black powder and get back to shooting. Listed below are all the Schuetzen Powder Distributors – find one …
Black Powder - IV: Powder Grain Sizes - Blogger
2016年7月10日 · FFg powder is used for historical small arms such as muskets, fusils, rifles and large pistols. FFFg powder is for smaller caliber rifles (below .45 caliber), pistols, cap-and-ball …
Ffg , fffg , ffffg vs ffa , fffa ffffa - Cast Boolits
2013年7月30日 · With the metal base that is essential for velocities of 2000 f.s. and upwards to protect the naked base, these metal-based soft lead bullets are splendid. Forget everything …
GOEX - Made in USA - Powder Valley Outdoors
GOEX is a very popular brand of black powder and the only black powder made in America. GOEX Powder comes in sporting grades Fg, FFg, FFFg, FFFFg, and Cannon grades. GOEX …
38-55 - Cast Boolits
2012年1月21日 · The FFFG Swiss is the cleanest-burning BP I've ever used, especially with the Mag pistol primer, in 38-55: 50 rounds at the range, no noticeable accuracy change after the …
Goex FFFg Black Powder 1 lb – allpowdershop.com
Goex FFFg (or 3Fg) is suited for Ryfles (50-caliber and smaller), P’istoles and Revolvers. While Goex has improved manufacturing processes and material quality, they have manufactured …
FFG versus FFFG - Modern Muzzleloader Muzzleloading Forum
2024年5月29日 · In my Accura V2 50 cal I use both BH209 and T7 fffg at the same charge rate of 77 weighed grains with a 250 grain Barnes XPB bullet and black sabot. The 77 grains roughly …
FFG/FFFG - Cast Bullet Forum
2013年3月28日 · In one of my books on what type of black powder Winchester used in loading the 50/95 WCF. At times they used 95 grs of fffg and other times they used 90 grs of ffg. The …