digital logic - Asynchronous JK Flip-Flop in VHDL - Electrical ...
2016年5月26日 · \$\begingroup\$ @EugeneSh.: Is there any nice way to specify a device that will work like a real JK flip-flop chip with async set/reset inputs, such that the output will behave …
flipflop - VHDL JK Flip-Flop with logic gates - Electrical Engineering ...
2015年4月25日 · I am trying to make a JK flip-flop in ActiveHDL environment. I want to make it with logic gates. It should look like this: This is my code: --nand3.vhd library ieee; use …
Designing state machine for Jk FF Counter
2015年4月23日 · The counter is supposed to go from 1>3>4>7>6 and use JK flip flops. While filling out the state table I'm a bit confused about what to do with invalid states.
digital logic - Truth Table for JK flip-flop circuit? - Electrical ...
2014年11月2日 · You've already derived the equation for the input to the D input of the flip-flop: D = (J • \$\mathsf{\small \overline{\text{Q}}} \$) + (\$\mathsf{\small \overline ...
What is the meaning of JK flip flop's J and K?
2020年4月10日 · Here's what wikipedia says: -. According to P. L. Lindley, a JPL engineer, the flip-flop types discussed below (RS, D, T, JK) were first discussed in a 1954 UCLA course on …