AMVETS National Ladies Auxiliary Holds Americanism Conference …
2021年10月11日 · AMVETS Auxiliary’s National President Joan Sirek has also graciously elected to focus her national president’s project to replace the windows in FFVF’s MacArthur Hall, which offers classrooms, a dining hall, dormitory rooms, and more.
FFVF has carried out with exceptional integrity since its founding in 1949. While the chapter partners have a major role to play in the recruitment of students and teachers, it is the National Office, which bears the primary legal responsibility for the conduct of its fiscal
FFVF Chattanooga Chapter Picnic - Freedoms Foundation at Valley …
FFVF Chattanooga Chapter Picnic. August 20, 2022; Donate Today. Supporting America’s first principles of freedom is essential to ensure future generations understand and cherish the blessings of liberty. With your donation, we will reach even more young people with the truth of America’s unique past, its promising future, and the liberty ...
[email protected] or submit them via our online form. We want to share your acts with others on social media to encourage emulation. Rewards: Recognition will be given to individuals who complete 12 consecutive months of civic responsibilities.
Complete a simple paper form and email it to [email protected] or mail it to: Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge ATTN: Civic Acts PO Box 67 Valley Forge, PA 19481 Photos of your civic act are not required, but highly encouraged! Please email all photos to
Summer Meeting and Awards Ceremony - Freedoms Foundation …
Please join us for our Summer Meeting and Awards Ceremony for the 2022 and 2023 FFVF winners. . Sunday, July 9th 3PM Living Word Fellowship Church Fellowship Hall 1906 Hickory Valley Road Chattanooga, TN 37421
Valerie Copeland Rutledge, FFVF Chattanooga Chapter Treasurer P. O. Box 21443 Chattanooga, TN 37424 Dues are $25 per member per year, January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022 ...
ffvf welcomes thousands of students and teachers a year to participate in immersive programs that explore the history, philosophy, and spirit of the American founding and the first principles of liberty as outlined in the Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, and
- OR - Email: [email protected] If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me or Bonnie Anderson in the accounting office. Bonnie is at [email protected] and 610-933-8825 ext. 212 and ’ at [email protected] and 610-933-8825 ext. 234 Thank you for all your hard work throughout the year.
3 ARTICLE 5 OFFICERS 5.1 Positions, Election, Term. The officers of the Corporation shall include a Board Chair, one or more Vice-Chairs, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Chief Executive Officer.