FGC-9 Mk2 9mm Pistol - DEFCAD
The FGC-9 Mk2 is a hybrid 9mm semi-automatic pistol project based on Derwood’s Shuty AP-9. This project’s predecessor, the FGC-9 Mk1, was initiated by JStark1809 with the goal of creating an AP-9 variant that could be made in Europe.
FGC 9 3D Printed Gun | Files - 3D Gun Builder
2022年10月12日 · FGC 9 has a semiautomatic carbine with a length of 520 millimeters and weighs 4 pounds without a magazine. The barrel size is 114 millimeters and has cartridge dimensions of 9×19 millimeters. The gun has closed bolt blowback action, a feed system with custom extended variants, and a Glock magazine.
FGC-9 MkII File Package Release - The Kommando Blog
2021年4月17日 · April 16th marks the release of the FGC-9 (Fuck Gun Control, 9mm) MkII, which brings several improvements to the groundbreaking 3D-printed firearm that was loosed on the internet by Deterrence Dispensed (DetDisp) in March of 2020.
File Drop: FGC9MK2 - CTRL+Pew
FGC-9 MKII. A design by JStark1809, IvanTheTroll, and 3socksandcrocs. Join the community at thegatalog.com
Wingman FGC 2 – Brook Gaming
為了提供更精細的個性化體驗,Wingman FGC 2 「Brook Converter Center」 , 配備了專屬設定軟體取代傳統的手把按鍵設定,改以視覺化介面輕鬆調整 Turbo、Remap、Macro 和 Stick 等功能。無論您偏好的遊戲風格或需求如何,都能透過此軟體進行全面的個性化設計,快速打造 ...
LAUNCH X431 Creader Elite 2.0 FGC OBD2 Scanner,ECU Coding, Bi ...
2023年10月19日 · The LAUNCH X431 Elite 2.0 Pro fit for FGC bidirectional scanner intervenes with active tests, directly send commands to swiftly determine if the issue lies with wiring, relays, or components. This streamlined process takes merely < 5 minutes, while manual tests could require at least three times as long.
5. Wingman FGC 使用步驟 – Brook Gaming 技術支援
Step 1 連接到遊戲主機. 將 Wingman FGC 2 連接到 PS5 主機, 藍燈 慢速閃爍表示與主機連線成功(若韌體版本為賽事版,則會顯示 紅燈 慢速閃爍) Step 2 連接到有線控制器. 將有線控制器以 USB 線連接至 Wingman FGC 2, 藍燈 恆亮表示與控制器連線成功(若韌體版本為賽事版,則會顯示 紅燈 恆亮) Step 3 Turbo/Remap/Macro 設定. 此產品有支援「轉接器軟體」,相關設定請見「轉接器軟體設定說明」 這篇文章是否有幫助?
FGC-9_MkII_Guide.pdf - DocDroid
The GataLog PRESENTS. FGC-9 mk II Powered by weaponized autism™. 1. Published by The GataLog April 16 th , 2021. Document version: 1.4. Author of this document:. JStark1809 E-Mail: [email protected]. Co-Designers of the FGC-9 MkII:. JStark1809 IvanTheTroll 3socksandcrocs Website: h ...
2023年8月9日 · HG-2 (FGC-9 MKII): Laffs Dynamics. Handguard design for the FGC-9 MKII. Picatinny rails at the 3, 6, and 9 o clock positions. Printer Used: Ender 3 V2; Filament Used: PLA+; Print Settings: Extruder: 220C ; Bed: 56C ; First Layer Print Height: .2mm ; Standard Layer Height: .16mm; Wall Thickness: .40 ; Wall Perimeters: 7+ Infill: 38%+ Support ...
Building the FGC-9: Getting Started With 3D Printing (Part 1)
2021年2月13日 · The FGC-9 is a firearm anyone can make, anywhere in the world. Made from 3D-printed parts paired with unregulated metal parts, it stands as a death-blow to future US gun control efforts, and circumvents strict European gun control laws.