Executive Strategy 2023/24 - FGHR
FGHR is thrilled to unveil our Executive Strategy for 2023/24! This comprehensive plan outlines our commitment to creating a springboard for the next generation of human rights leaders, …
Digital Global Rights Journal - FGHR
2024年8月8日 · The Digital Global Rights Journal is FGHR’s leading publication on human rights issues, policies, and practices around the world. Articles are produced by our team of capable …
Events - FGHR
Seeking a space to connect with like-minded individuals and practically apply her passion for human rights, she joined FGHR in 2022 as an Events Officer and now works to organise …
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Executive Board - FGHR
Seeking a space to connect with like-minded individuals and practically apply her passion for human rights, she joined FGHR in 2022 as an Events Officer and now works to organise …
Shifting Power | FGHR
As of February 2023: Since July 2022, FGHR has been hard at work assisting US-based economic justice NGO, MSI Integrity, in its ground-breaking “Shifting Power Project”. The …
Digital Global Rights Journal - FGHR
However, I joined FGHR to learn much more about the human rights world and develop my objective writing skills. Since working with the Red Cross in Nepal, I’ve realised quite how …
Hong Kong Event - FGHR
2023年3月24日 · The Forum for Global Human Rights (FGHR) and the SOAS Hong Kong Society (SOASHKSoc) are delighted to invite you to our highly-anticipated panel event, "The …
Youth Activism Event - FGHR
The panel event will then be followed by the launch of FGHR and Insight’s joint publication on the theme of Economic Justice. Over the last few months, FGHR has been hard at work with …
Alumni - FGHR
Nina is orginially from Russia and has fluency in English, Russian and Spanish. She is currently a Researcher and Writer at Latin News, working on economic, political and global affairs in Latin …