Kali - TYPE-MOON Wiki
Kali WP (カーリー, Kārī?), Class Name Alter Ego (アルターエゴ, Arutā Ego?), is an Alter Ego -class Pseudo-Servant manifesting from Archer Durga in the System Grail War of the Inner World of Paper Moon in Fate/Grand Order. She is later summoned by Ritsuka Fujimaru under the Archer class, comprising the Third Ascension of Durga's Saint Graph.
杜尔伽 - Mooncell - 玩家共同构筑的FGO中文Wiki
2024年6月20日 · Samhara Kali 沉醉于胜利与鲜血的迦梨所跳的呼唤末日的舞蹈。 杀尽魔神们之后,沉醉于鲜血的迦梨跳起了踩碎大地,甚至可能踩碎整个世界的激烈舞蹈。
Kali - Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Kali is a common enemy first introduced in Yuga Kshetra. (横行闊歩?? Reduces one enemy's defense by 50% for 1 time, 3 turns. Inflicts them with Curse of 200 for 3 turns. None. (這い廻る悪徳?? Deals 400% damage to one enemy. Increases their Curse damage by 50% for 5 turns. For other effects see status effects.
Atlas Academy DB
FGO Game Data Navigator — without any of the fluff. This tools lets you accurately navigate the raw data the game is using in the back. None of the data that is being displayed on this tool is manually entered. Everything is accurately reflecting exactly the raw data available from the most recent version of the game.
杜尔伽/迦梨 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
杜尔伽/迦梨 是 TYPE-MOON 旗下 《Fate系列》 及其衍生作品的登场角色,在游戏《Fate/Grand Order》中作为从者登场。 杜尔伽 (Durga,梵文दुर्गा),是印度的主要女神之一。 是湿婆妻子帕尔瓦蒂的很多化身中象征力量的一个。 为了回应诸神屠戮诸魔,特别是大魔摩西沙的愿望而诞生。 她获得了很多神授的武具,将这些魔屠杀殆尽。 与本相帕尔瓦蒂的温柔形象不同,杜尔伽常被描绘为恐怖威严的形象。 因其功绩卓著,令群魔不敢靠近,因而得名“难近母”,音译为“杜 …
Samhara Kali - Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Increases own damage against enemies with Sky Attribute by 50% for 1 turn. (Activates first) (Activates first) This effect activates first before dealing damage. Deals damage to all enemies. Reduces their defense by 20% for 3 turns. Deals extra damage against Demonic enemies.
Who Is KALI And How Strong Is She? - YouTube
2023年6月26日 · the strongest servant title has been usurped? sakurafaces on top?website - https://www.hollowparadise.comChannel Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/iv-12Sub...
【FGO】Kali Demonstration - カーリー - Fate/Grand Order
Kali (Durga ascension 3) (Archer) attack animations & noble phantasm.#fgo #ordealcall
Kali Sangha - Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Kali Sangha is a bigger version of the Kali and first introduced in Yuga Kshetra.
Durga/Kali's Profile : r/FGOGuide - Reddit
2023年8月9日 · In other words, Kali is an existence that was born from the wrath of Durga, who herself was also born from the same emotion. The goddess of fear, an even more terrifying version of Durga. The incarnation of massacre and destruction who feasts on the Asura she slays, sipping their blood.