Marie Antoinette - Fate/Grand Order Wiki
For Marie, who has materialized as a symbolic existence, she can guide magical damage to the opponents of the royalty with just a single singing voice.
Marie Antoinette (Alter) | Fate/Grand Order Wiki | Fandom
2024年3月20日 · The heroic spirit Marie Antoinette harbors no grudge against anyone, loves her people and her country, and smiles as she speaks of her ideals. She consciously discards all of it - her despair, her anger, her sadness, and her curses.
Marie Antoinette - TYPE-MOON Wiki
Marie AntoinetteWP (マリー・アントワネットWP, Marī Antowanetto?), Class Name Rider (ライダー, Raidā?), is a Rider-class Servant summoned by Ritsuka Fujimaru in the Grand Orders of Fate/Grand Order.
玛丽·安托瓦内特〔Alter〕 - Mooncell - 玩家共同构筑的FGO中文Wiki
4 天之前 · 由不去诅咒自身不幸与悲剧的普通灵基的玛丽·安托瓦内特陡然一变,玛丽·Alter是高喊复仇、带来破坏与毁灭的存在。 对她内心深处一切希望与理想的嘲笑如同大海一般广阔无垠。 对孩童(或是幼年型英灵)极为温柔。 总之非常温柔,但不只是溺爱,也会严加管教。 相比普通灵基的玛丽,她对自己身为母亲的认知极强,但这种无所依托的母性也成了她的枷锁。 哪怕并非自己亲生的孩子,只要是年幼的孩童,她就会禁不住去关注。 自らの不幸、不遇を呪わずに在る通 …
Marie Antoinette (Caster) - Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Marie Antoinette continues to dazzle beautifully, delightfully, and gorgeously. In fact, she's so oblivious to her appearance, it amplifies her beauty in the eyes of others. Fan Translation: Having manifested in a swimsuit, she is not concerned at all about the high degree of exposure.
Marie Antoinette Alter - TYPE-MOON Wiki
2024年3月20日 · Marie AntoinetteWP (Alter) (マリー・アントワネット〔オルタ〕?), Class Name Avenger (アヴェンジャー, Avenjā?), is an Avenger-class Servant summoned by Ritsuka Fujimaru in the Grand Orders of Fate/Grand Order.
Marie Antoinette (Alter) | Servants - Fate/Grand Order Wiki
When equipped on Marie Antoinette (Alter), Increase all allies' NP Damage by 10% and Damage against enemies with [Curse] by 15% while she is on the field. Story-locked - Only available in the Story Summon after completing their associated Story section, or in limited banners in which they are explicitly listed as a Rate-Up Servant.
Rabbit’s Reviews #386: Marie Antoinette (Alter) (5* Avenger)
2024年3月20日 · Marie has high-ish attack and low-ish health for an SSR Avenger—in fact, her stats are tied with Kagekiyo—which means she has very high attack relative to SSRs as a whole. This is a good starting point for an offensive Servant, though unfortunately that strong offensive lean doesn’t carry through to the rest of her kit.
玛丽·安托瓦内特 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
玛丽·安托瓦内特 是 TYPE-MOON 旗下游戏 《Fate/Grand Order》 及其衍生作品的登场角色。 法国国王路易十六的王后,也是大革命前的最后一位法国王后。 出身于著名的奥地利哈布斯堡家族,是奥地利女大公兼匈牙利和波西米亚女王玛丽亚·特蕾莎的第15个孩子,在家中排行倒数第二。 小时候因为父亲到处沾花惹草、母亲忙着治国理政,所以性格自由散漫,学业不佳,却对音乐有着不错的理解。 法奥结盟时作为政治联姻的筹码嫁给了当时的王太子路易·奥古斯特。 相传,女 …
Olga Marie Animusphere | TYPE-MOON Wiki | Fandom
Olga Marie Asmleit Animusphere (オルガマリー・アースミレイト・アニムスフィア, Oruga Marī Āsumireito Animusufia?, Olgamally Animusphere), colloquially as Olga (オルガ, Oruga?) and Marie (マリー, Marī?), is a magus belonging to the Department of Astromancy and daughter of Lord Marisbury Animusphere of the ...
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