XUV imaging - Active Fiber Systems GmbH
AFS offers fiber-laser-based table-top XUV beamlines with flexible repetition rate providing HHG radiation with photon energies up to 150 eV based on Yb-doped fiber systems. Even higher photon energies up to the soft X-ray regime (e.g. 330 …
High repetition rate high harmonic generation with ultra-high …
Here, we present a HHG-based XUV source, capable of providing a large photon flux across a wide range between 66 eV and 150 eV. It is driven by a commercial XUV beamline from Active Fiber Systems GmbH consisting of 100-W average power fiber-laser system, delivering up to 300 µJ at <300-fs pulse duration.
利用超高重复频率光纤激光器,开发了两套腔外脉冲再压缩模块,通过气体高次谐波技术,获得了高亮度超快相干极紫外光源。 结合三维强场近似理论模型,分别从实验和理论上对驱动脉冲能量和脉冲宽度、气体种类、气体压强以及Z方向上的光场耦合情况等重要相位匹配条件进行了系统的研究。 在500 kHz 重复频率的驱动下,获得了高亮度的21~40 nm高次谐波信号,各阶次谐波信号的光子数通量均超过1.6×1010 photon/s,最强阶次谐波为第35 阶谐波(29.4 nm),其光子数通量为1.8×1012 …
High resolution XUV Fourier transform holography on a table …
2018年6月6日 · Today, coherent imaging techniques provide the highest resolution in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and X-ray regions. Fourier transform holography (FTH) is particularly unique, providing robust...
(PDF) Cascaded harmonic generation from a fiber laser: a milliwatt XUV ...
2019年7月22日 · Here we investigate the possibility of enhancing the single-atom response by producing high-order harmonics from the second, third and fourth harmonics of a turnkey 50 W, 166 kHz femtosecond...
High photon flux XUV source driven by few cycle pulses from a …
We report on the advantage of high harmonic generation XUV source driven by a high repetition rate few-cycle ytterbium-doped fiber-laser. We achieve a photon energy cutoff of 140 eV with photon flux of 10 12 photons/s/eV.
High-power XUV beamlines - Active Fiber Systems GmbH
AFS ultrafast fiber lasers are ideal high-harmonic drivers. These turnkey HHG beamlines can address several applications in the EUV to X-ray spectral region. The following specs give an overview about our main capabilities. We happily customize a system exactly to your needs. up to 10mW (depending on harmonic)
High-Power Fiber-Laser-Driven Frequency Conversion from the MIR to the XUV
We present recent developments in high-power fiber-laser-driven frequency conversion allowing for imaging and spectroscopy applications at unprecedented measurement speeds.
Generation of coherent broadband high photon flux continua in the XUV …
2020年3月2日 · High harmonic sources can provide ultrashort pulses of coherent radiation in the XUV and X-ray spectral region. In this paper we utilize a sub-two-cycle femtosecond fiber laser to efficiently generate a broadband continuum of high-order harmonics between 70 eV and 120 eV.
High Power Fiber Laser Frequency Combs for XUV Spectroscopy
A Yb-fiber frequency comb with 120 fs pulse duration, 154 MHz repetition rate, and 80 W average power is used for cavity-enhanced high harmonic generations. Plateau harmonics beyond the microwatt level have been demonstrated.
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