Aiptasia "Eating..." Filefish - Don't do it! | Reef2Reef
2020年10月26日 · My filefish was awesome at killing aiptasia, problem was he also ate every zoa, favia, acan and maybe chalice. Couldn’t keep any zoas or lps with him. Never harmed other fish or sps. Not sure about the toxicity of the fish. I do know some leathers especially sinularia can be toxic, especially to sps. Not sure about them killing fish.
Filefish in Aquariums | Reef2Reef
2022年4月9日 · Filefish belong to the family Monacanthidae, in the order Tetraodontiformes (which includes the puffers, triggerfish and boxfish). Most closely related to the triggerfish, filefish differ mainly in having generally thinner bodies, and only having one or two dorsal spines rather than the three spines possessed by triggerfish (Randall 2005).
Tasseled filefish, (Prickly leatherjacket) Chaetodermis penicilligerus This unusual filefish is obviously an active mimic of floating clumps of seaweed. Infrequently collected in the tropical Western Pacific region, they tend to be fairly expensive, as far as filefish usually go. Although their maximum size is reported to be 12”, most aquarium
Aiptasia eating filefish | Reef2Reef
2020年9月6日 · Filefish handle high flow just fine. The have something like a horn that they raise up to stabilize in the current. I had two tanks with aiptasia. One got Burghia and the other got the filefish. The filefish worked faster, was cheaper, and I still have it. The Burghia eventually cleaned the tank before they starved to death.
Filefish | Reef2Reef
2020年8月16日 · My filefish often times assumes a position head downward touching the sand in a corner of my tank for long periods of time. Reply Reactions: najer , Pistondog , JumboShrimp and 1 other person
Aptasia eating filefish review - Reef2Reef
2017年3月10日 · I have tried everything to fix my aptasia problem (Copper-banded Butterfly, peppermint shrimp, aptasia-x, and aptasia away). About two weeks ago I finally broke down and bought a CAPTIVE raised aptasia eating filefish ($30). I have always been worried about purchasing these considering the fact they are known to eat other softies.
Aiptasia and Filefish | Reef2Reef
2021年11月11日 · That's a good-looking filefish you have there. I added one matted filefish to my 125 a couple of years ago. The peppermint shrimp I had seemed to keep the aptaisia from getting out of hand but wouldn't touch the larger ones. It took several months for Punkin to get a taste for these tank terrors, but when he did, he wiped them out in short order.
Filefish Aptasia dependence | Reef2Reef
2020年12月26日 · It was not able to withstand the nips and the filefish did enough damage such that there was only a few pieces left receded into the coral skeleton. That is when I returned that little fella. It has now recovered and larger than what it was originally. My duncan is also coming back after the filefish did a number on it.
Orange spotted filefish feeding questions | Reef2Reef
2019年5月16日 · The filefish at the store have full bellies and are in a standard small 20-gallon tank without live rock coral. the copepod population in there would easily have been picked clean by now so I'm pretty sure they're all eating the same food as the clowns and cardinals that are also in the tank at the store.
Filefish in a nano REEF? - Fish Forum - Nano-Reef Community
2009年8月14日 · Blue Zoo Aquatics Filefish Starter Pack This is why we now offer an Orangespotted Filefish Starter Pack, which includes a harlequin filefish and a live, browned-out Acropora frag. Of course just because we are offering this starter pack doesn't mean that we are suggesting this is anything but an expert-only species.