Fisher F44 - Friendly Metal Detecting Forum
2010年8月21日 · The Fisher F44 is very good detector, primarily as a Coin Hunting device. I owned 2 of them. Naturally, you or other might ask: 'Why two?' Simple answer. → I like a detector that works well for my needs. → I do not like to spend time changing search coils. → I like to have Iron Audio Volume Control → I need and appreciate a light-weight, well-balanced detector → I mainly use smaller ...
Fisher F44: concentric or DD - Friendly Metal Detecting Forum
2021年3月7日 · Right now, the Fisher F44 is piquing my interest, but before making the purchase, I was thrown a curveball. I can order it with either the 11" concentric teardrop that most come with, or for a few dollars more, the 11" DD.
Fisher f22 or f44 - Friendly Metal Detecting Forum
2015年4月9日 · I'm also in the process of researching these md's. I'm leaning towards the fisher f22 over the Garrett 250 but is it worth the extra $100 for the fisher f44? From what I gather, the f44 has manual ground balance the f22 does not. Also has a backlit screen. For those experienced are these...
Fisher F44 or Garrett ACE 400 - Friendly Metal Detecting Forum
2018年11月1日 · Hello everyone. I'm looking for a detector for my sons to use, and I've narrowed it down to the Fisher F44 and the Garrett ACE 400. I've been reading as much as I can on these two models, and I can see the pros and cons of each unit. So here's where I'm stuck... The ACE 400 operates at a 10 kHz...
Help with Fisher F44? - Friendly Metal Detecting Forum
2014年1月11日 · I am creating a new thread since I posted my original one in the wrong forum. So just getting into detecting and picked up a Fisher F44 as my first detector. Do any other F44 owners or folks in general have any tips and tricks using this detector that I would benefit knowing out of the gate...
Couple first weeks with the Fisher F44, Impressions...
2014年1月8日 · First of all lets deal with the issue of weight, batteries , wires. The fisher is nearly double the weight of the XP Deus The fisher requires you to replace batteries - XP Deus has a built in battery you charge and done have to worry about batteries running out oh and the Deus battery only needs changing about once every 5 years.
Fisher F44 is here...my thoughts - Friendly Metal Detecting Forum
2013年12月7日 · I have used the ATP with the stock coil, and it is deeper than the Fisher F44, but you said it, at a higher cost. Depth wise, after having used the F44 a couple of times on coin hunts, as I stated previously, the F44 has respectable depth on coin sized targets, obviously the 44 does deeper on relics and larger sized targets.
AT Pro vs. Fisher F44 | Friendly Metal Detecting Forum
2012年3月23日 · I currently have the F44 and really like it but recently started looking at the AT Pro and was wondering what people thought of the AT Pro versus F44? Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Fisher f44?? | Friendly Metal Detecting Forum
2015年10月31日 · I am looking for relics coins and maybe sometimes Jewelry is the f44 any good for that?
Fisher f44 or Garrett ace 350 | Friendly Metal Detecting Forum
2015年10月20日 · THE f44 , Why -- has a manual ground balance vs Fixed on the 350, has a lower- better for coin frequency at 7.69 vs 8.25 on the 350, F44 -runs on 2 aa's vs 4 on the 350 , F44- has 99 ID segments- more information on what your digging vs the 350 , and finally 5 year warranty on the F44 VS -a 2 year with the 350, cost is 100 bucks more for the ...