Property Declaration (form FL-160) is a multipurpose form, which may be filed with the court as an attachment to a Petition or Response or served on the other party to comply with disclosure …
Property Declaration | California Courts | Self Help Guide
2016年7月1日 · List your property and debts and how you would like to divide them. This can be used as an attachment to Declaration of Disclosure (form FL-140) or you may use Schedule of …
You must complete the Property Declaration, form FL-160. Keep a copy and have someone, other than yourself, serve a copy of the completed Property Declaration(s) on the other party in your …
Finish your divorce in a default - California Courts
Property Declaration (form FL-160) This tells the court about your community property and how you want it divided. If you filed a Property Declaration with your Petition and don’t have any …
La Declaración de propiedad (formulario FL-160) es un formulario multipropósito que se puede presentar ante la corte como adjunto a una Petición o Respuesta, o se puede entregar …
You must complete the Property Declaration, form FL-160. Keep a copy and have someone, other than yourself, serve a copy of the completed Property Declaration(s) on the other party in your …
Divorce Forms | California Courts | Self Help Guide
All California courts use the same basic set of forms for divorce. You can find the most commonly-used forms on this page. If you are not sure which forms to use, talk to your Self-Help Center …
Continuation of Property Declaration (Family Law)
2025年1月1日 · Give more details about your property and debts and attach to Property Declaration (form FL-160)
FL-161 Continuation of Property Declaration - California Courts
A completed Income and Expense Declaration (form FL-150) or Financial Statement (Simplified) (form FL-155) is attached is not attached. completed Property Declaration (form FL-160) is …